People say “impossible is an opinion, you are free to disagree”. They also say, “there is no failure only feedback”.
When you start a venture or start to figure it out, you will come across failure, but going ahead despite it, is what ensures survival. If you fear failure you will never start or you will pack it in.
Fear can be an ally that keeps you safe when ignorant and in real danger or a foe that keeps you stuck when faced with opportunities that may or may not be as risky as you think.
No one can tell you but yourself what fear is doing, it will be evident from your outcomes, and how much of a fulfilled life you are living.
If your dream is clear to you and where you want to get to is clear, going back should actually be scarier than moving forward. Why?, because the true pursuit of a dream changes you to the point where you will not enjoy or fit into the life you left behind.
So the real fear should not be of failure, as this forms part of the price of dreaming. It should be of going back to a life you hate and invested to step totally away from. It should be of giving up on a picture of a totally better life.
Today, I want to encourage you to keep your eyes fixed on the goal post or the map or compass of your dream destination. Looking back is a regression, walking backward is not natural, neither is shrinking.
We are meant to grow, chasing dreams is natural, it helps us grow.
I hope you wake up daily and choose growth.
To Your Success and Significance x Patience.