Whilst we know that moving through a global change is not a party there is suffering and commitment and work for some loss ,grief and fears for others , financial worries and such so generally we have all felt the impact of instability in our own emotions and our wake up call to own humanity and our life physical and otherwise.
But! In and through all of the rebirthing moments and there have been many somehow we learnt to breathe deeper into transition and let it dry us out from exhaustion and over striving as we gently moved towards the flow of life,we had a letting go of the control realising no control could change it and that no-one else really had control either.
It’s in such times as this we learn the art of “being” one moment at a time and in the being we rediscovered our own beautiful self again the lost inner child ,the dancing princess,the pop star X factor finalist and the parts of us that have been buried under the weight of the life we have been living but not loving, suddenly in an epic Oprah style aha!!! moment .
Have you been feeling the sense of freedom! Me too!, Isn’t it good to feel that again ,the freedom to dance way into the night turn up the volume a little louder than normal knowing that in this instance no one will really mind too much , dancing in the garden til 2am , crashing out under the stars for the first time in a long time and singing my head off all through the day to new discoveries on Spotify and endless me me me playlists .
I lifted above the noise and into the beauty that’s still out there no matter whats playing out down here the heavens are still above us , the stars are still shining,the moon still shows up and the sun comes up each morning these are the natural rhythms of life as I’m guessing like me you may have found yours again in amongst all of that and Let go a deep sigh up into the cosmos giving thanks for another day to truly be free ,to feel alive and free to choose happiness and join in a global self healing that for most of us is way overdue .
Keep laughing ,keep dancing hold the torch for those around you that cannot find their own smiles today, Dance for those that haven’t been able to move ,Sing for those ones who have no voice ,Laugh for all the pain passing in the collective and hold love in your heart for everything in the inbetween.
Feel the life force within you and hear the beating drum in your heart of loves call to be present with the in and out breath and another moment to feel full ,to feel love and for a moment’s new found freedom to “BE”.
when all else passes in the subtle winds of time we regain our sense of balance, our vision, our purpose , extraordinary things are discovered and we soar Iike eagles into the wind knowing that there is no going back ,only learning to fly.