Life can feel incredibly overwhelming at times. So many unexpected situations happen that are out of our control. You may feel defeated while enduring these hardships and want to completely give up. But there are better ways of dealing with life, on life’s terms.

As humans we all have emotions. But the fear of being judged or rejected for expressing them makes it impossible to be vulnerable in the first place. We spend countless hours trying to think of a way to avoid emotional pain and discomfort but even that can cause more harm than good in the long term. The truth is, we can’t control anything except how we react to what life hands us. Easy to say-harder to do, right?

Before we learn healthier ways to cope and self soothe, we need to know the step in between the hardship and destructively acting out. There is that brief moment in between the distressing or triggering situation and the impulsive emotional reaction where you can interrupt and redirect the cycle. (Insert deep belly breathing right there). When the struggle arises, ask yourself, what is the next right thing I can do? Even if that next right thing, is one breathe followed by another until you feel a sense of peace take over.

The time in between the emotional response and the physical behavior will expand as you learn to depend on your breath for the pause. You will be able to slow down and become more conscious of your self and choices. (This is where mindfulness, meditative & breathing technique come in handy).  Allow yourself to wonder what your next right action would be. Call a safe friend, go for a walk, write in a journal, ask yourself how you’re feeling and where you feel this in your body. Sit with that for a while until you can decide what feels right moving forward for you. That next move will either bring you closer to sanity or keep you further from it. Be wise, be safe and reach out to someone safe if you ever need support. Resources are always available