“In any moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing; and the worst thing you can do is nothing.”  (Theodore Roosevelt)

When faced with danger(fear), most people react in one of two ways. They either flee from the danger(fear) or they stand their ground and fight. This has come to be known as the “fight or flight reaction”.

Over time, I have come to recognize that there is another reaction to the danger(fear)… To freeze!

Like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming car, in this instance we do nothing. We don’t flee and we don’t fight. We are paralyzed by our fear, by the danger, and we freeze.

Of the three reactions to danger(fear), I am convinced that the worse choice is to freeze… To do nothing.

Some of the saddest situations I have encountered have been clients or friends that are stuck (frozen) in abusive relationships. Too often, these people are so afraid, that they remain in a workplace or a personal relationship where there is absolutely no respect. There is often times constant and harmful verbal and sometimes even physical abuse.

They recognize what is going on, but they are too afraid to take action to free themselves from their situation. Or, they are not brave enough to fight back.

If you are in a work situation where you feel you are harassed or verbally abused on a regular basis, then you must take immediate action. Go to the head of Human Resources and file a written complaint. If there is no HR department , then go to a higher level of management.

If you are in a personal relationship where you feel you are not being treated with respect and you feel paralyzed and afraid to leave, seek professional help. There are people who can help you.

You deserve better. You are worthy. You can make it on your own. You do have a choice.

Stop being frozen. Stop being a victim!

This is the one chance we get in this life. why would you want to spend it with someone or in a job that doesn’t respect you, value you, encourage you, and empower you?

Remember… Every day is a gift, and the quality of your life is your gift to yourself.


  • Barry Gottlieb

    Author - Speaker - Success Mentor - Trusted Advisor

    Barry is sought after by organizations of all sizes to assist them in the following areas: *Leadership - *Strategy - *Execution - *Company Culture - *Time Management - *Emotional Intelligence. As the Founder and President of Coaching the Winner's Edge, Barry has built a successful practice offering counsel and guidance to both private individuals and corporations. In addition, Barry is a successful author and speaker. His books are: "TGIT-Thank God It’s Today". - "Every Day Is A Gift". - "Brilliant on the Basics...a Playbook for Business Leaders". Barry started out his career as an educator... First a school teacher and  Principal; and then as an instructor at Santa Fe Community College, and the University of Florida. During his time at the university, Barry experienced a life altering challenge. He was diagnosed with terminal cancer and was given just 3 to 6 months to live. His story of recovery and the paradigm shift that it created in his life was the inspiration for his first book, "TGIT - Thank God It’s Today". Shortly thereafter, Barry decided to make a career and life style change and left teaching to enter the world of business. This he says, “Is where my real education began.” He and his partners built a very successful $75 million international company from the ground up, that they later sold for $55M. Barry shares the the wisdom and insights of building a very successful company... and culture, in his latest book: "Brilliant On the Basics... A Playbook for Business Leaders". Barry's Mission: To inspire and empower others to reach their full potential.