Image by 3D Animation Production Company from Pixabay 

Finances are a huge issue when it comes to marriage or long term relationships. How many disagreements come from expectations of supporting one another? Supporting does not mean carrying you financially. What happens when one partner is always broke? What’s considered healthy and what’s considered toxic?

It isn’t a matter of loving wealth over simply loving someone, and of course, most people are going to choose love if they are in it for the right reasons.

People are broke because of the choices they make and their habits. If someone is habitually broke it is because they make foolish choices, do not have boundaries, are unable to rein in their vices, have addiction issues or whatever. I myself would want someone who is stable, not necessarily well off. (that part is irrelevant if you love someone you love them), It shows the ability to make good choices, to be sound and responsible, not only with money but with their life in general. It shows that they are not impulsive.

Having a partner that supports you, helps you build something, and doesn’t care about how many hundreds are in your wallet is one thing, (that’s integrity), but having a partner (man or woman) that leans on you, and has money go flying out the door for seemingly no reason is something else completely. There needs to be a certain balance.

Marriage is a contract, an agreement, and stability in all things is required. That partnership affects the balance or the undercurrent of the relationship. I’d want an equal balance of love (and someone who loves me) as well as stability, or at least a healthy work ethic.

You put money in your own piggy bank, I’ll put money in mine and never the twain shall meet.

Invest in each other, find dividends in love.