August is a special month for our family as we have a few birthdays that we normally celebrate, one of those being my daughter’s 7th birthday. As I reflect on August as a month of new beginnings, I’m reminded that in order for new beginnings to emerge, old things must pass away. I’ve learned that some old things don’t just pass away, but it is up to us to make some things, behaviors, mindsets, and limiting beliefs that don’t serve us GO AWAY. 

If you know there are areas in your life that have been holding you back, but don’t have to, you should ask yourself, ‘how long will I continue to allow my past to sabotage my future and destiny?’

Truly you were created in the image and likeness of God with a spirit and a soul. That soul was placed into a body. What you do or don’t do through the soul and spirit that lives inside of your body is 100% up to you. You are more powerful than you ever imagined or have received credit for. Now it’s time to show up! 

My hope is that whenever you read this message, it becomes a month of new beginnings for you. My hope and prayer for you is that in your month of new beginnings, you decide to shift into the realm of unlimited possibilities, unlimited resources, unlimited optimism, and an unmatched work ethic to fully explore and express the God given purpose that is connected to your life. 

The areas that you you have been afraid or unwilling to address are only holding you back as long as you allow them to. 

It’s time for you to make yourself, your gifts, your vision, your purpose, your priority, because once you’ve done that, you have positioned yourself to be of service to others in the best way! I know it’s been on the back burner because so many others and other things have taken the front seat. Now is your time to demonstrate just how powerful you are and were created to be. 

It starts with understanding your identity, purpose, and moving anything out of alignment in your life back into alignment with your purpose. That includes the work you do, whether you are an entrepreneur, executive, thought leader, or somewhere in between. 

I’m giving you a very special opportunity and Moment with yourself, to move away from the status quo and launch out into the next phase of your life, leadership, and career. It’s time to fully express your power and purpose during your lifetime. 

You don’t have to live with regret, and you don’t have to believe if you rise to your greatness you will get there all alone. You don’t have to keep trying to do it alone or with those people that weren’t designed to help you get there. 

You can join a community or even our community and move forward with other like-minded, beautiful, kind women and working moms that are just like you…brilliant..successful…and ready to fully explore the abundance that they haven’t yet tapped into. 

There are a few options you have from this point:

1. Decide your future and fullest potential won’t be found outside of you but will be discovered within, so you’re done searching for answers from others to tell you who are and can be. 

2. Decide you are committed to fully expressing your power and purpose, choosing powerfully for yourself today.

3. Decide you’re worth fighting for- no matter whatever the challenge is that you have to face and overcome. Decide to keep going, but go into the best days, weeks, months, and years of your life. 

4. Find your community and get connected. 

You’re welcome to learn more about  our new 4 week, 6 month and 12 month mentoring programs. While space is limited, we believe in holding a space for those truly committed to becoming all they were created to be. 

You have full permission to give full expression to your power and purpose in your life, leadership, and career. Why not start now?

Nikita Lawrence 
Executive Coach & Mentor
The Wealth Success Chamber Mentoring Academy for high achieving women


  • Nikita Lawrence

    Women’s Coaching and Development Expert, Executive Coach, Bestselling Author

    Wealth Success Chamber Enterprises

    Nikita Lawrence, The Wealth Success Leadership Strategist®️,  is a sought after Women’s Coaching and Development Expert, Best-selling Author, Coach and Inspirational Keynote Speaker. Lawrence is the founder and CEO of Wealth Success Chamber Enterprises LLC, a Women’s Coaching and Development Agency supporting women executives,  entrepreneurs and professionals each with learning how to find her inner wealth, build her best life and business, becoming her best self As a HR consultant, Inspirational Keynote Speaker and Leadership expert,  she is a thought leader and mentor to many. Her newest Best-Selling book entitled, “The Secret of the Wealth Success Chamber”, is a catalyst that aids readers in unlocking their own gateway to destiny, wealth, and success by systematically creating the blueprint to uncover the identity, purpose, and vision for their lives. Learn more here at "Everyone has been born with a very special and unique gift. When that gift is discovered, nurtured, cultivated, and elevated its power to change the world becomes undeniable. We must all decide to discover and use our gifts to honor our creator and create the global impact that helps to make our world a better place." Nikita Lawrence