Photo by Jessica Oliveira

As a teenager, I tend to navigate the same spaces and within these spaces, there can be a pattern of the type of energy that exists.  Because I spend most of my time at school, the energy of that particular space tends to impact me the most and lately, the energy has been quite low. 

In fact, it’s like all the happiness from both teachers and students has been sucked out from them and transferred into space. We all walk around on our phones, constantly complaining about what we are lacking.  But is this actually true? Ever notice that in your life, for a period of time, you’ll be happy for a couple of weeks, then suddenly you start to mess up everything and you can’t get back up on your feet? Yeah, that’s called the slope. I’ve had many experiences where my life just instantly crashes and I realize that I’m in the slope. Life goes up and down like hills, once you get to the top, you immediately crash back down and there’s nothing you can do about that, but you can make the slump smaller. And when the slump is smaller, you are happier.

My goal is to bring more awareness to the power that we all have in taking control of our own happiness.  Because when happiness radiates from you, it affects us all and it would be amazing to walk around a learning environment that was filled with more positive energy.

3 Ways to own your happiness and raise the vibration of your environment

 1. Accept that you are in the under slope

The first step in getting back on your feet is called “The Accepting”. It’s important to realize that your current level of frustration will pass and is simply the ‘under slope’. It may take a while to realize it but it makes sense after a while. You may start to mess up occasionally and lose track of the simplest things. It may even be that your mind needs a break from all the things you’re keeping notice of. Even if it is just taking a break, this will be the first sign in the under slope. You need to realize this, and when you do, you can act accordingly.  BUT FIRST, you need to remember that you can’t do everything at once, so focus on one thing at a time. I like to focus on one thing a week. I think that it’s helpful to slow it down (yes that was a Charlie Puth reference). Listen to your tunes and take a deep breath, that’ll help you greatly when battling the struggles of everyday life.

2. Shrug off any failure or negative vibes

Every once in a while, there’ll be negative people in your life.  Allow yourself to let go. You can’t hold a grudge against yourself when you mess up a little. Especially if the ‘under slope’ has just begun, you need to keep yourself happy and motivated. There are so many ways to do this, for example; try enjoying your favorite music and food. The best combination in the entire world. Give yourself a moment to forget about everything and let the music absorb you into its beat. Even better if you’re cooking. Afterward, you can eat your food and watch a movie.  The idea is to just really take sometime to love and enjoy time with yourself. You can’t let bad things and people get you down, they’re meant to challenge you that way. When you beat it, the ‘under slope’ starts to rise up and when it does, you’re on track to the top again. Whew! You’ve made it! 

3. Allow yourself to be the happiest person in the room

Now that the slope is on its way back up again, you may have to work extra hard to keep the energy around you joyful. You need to take that extra step in whatever you’re doing, even if that means making it a point complete something small to give yourself a boost of confidence. Just the small things can make a big change and can remind you of how much is in your favor.  Also, when you begin to feel good, give yourself permission to display your happiness to the world. Don’t limit how good you feel based on others around you.  In fact, grant yourself the right to be the happiest person in the room.  When you do this, you will notice that everyone around you  slowly becomes a little happier, which reflects back to you. You’ll see how it makes the climb back to the best version of yourself a much easier process and the challenges will slide past you like a breeze. Simply, it’s just a smile.

Remember, once you start to notice your energy and positivity decreasing, immediately take these steps and you’ll be climbing higher. There is no limit to how high you can go because I know that You. Are. Amazing. Never forget that.


  • Shreya Ladva

    16 year old writer and filmmaker

    Shreya Ladva is a young writer who is deeply interested in spreading happiness. Publishing articles since she was 14, Shreya loves to write a variety of works ranging from screenplays to short stories. She encourages others and has a deep affection for her family, friends, and the city of Vancouver, Canada where she grew up.