As a business owner and mom of three boys, finding balance during this time has been challenging to say the least. But there are some things I’ve been doing, and sticking to, that have helped me stay positive, mentally healthy and feeling good.
Growing up in LA and working in Hollywood my whole life, this is the real epitome of an LA Girls Tale.. Brace yourself.
We’ve all heard it, that “food is medicine” but now more than ever, I FEEL that this is true. What I put inside my body, the quality of the food that nourishes me has a real, noticeable impact on me – my mood, my energy, my focus. Yet, as we all know, being healthy is work and is not easy, and I’m trying – every damn day. Im drinking water, teas, fluids all day to flush out toxins and keep my skin hydrated. Im a peeing machine at home, which is nicer than the shared bathroom at work. I live by the new functional wellbeing brand PRIMA. Their botanical elixirs, like “Brain Fuel” and “Go-To” bring me immediate focus or the instant zen I need, and the vegan CBD softgel is an absolute must in my morning ritual. Overall, I’ve felt and noticed how critically important cannabinoids/CBD are for my stress levels, sleep quality, body recover, and immunity. Im a new CBD convert.
Im eating incredibly healthy as well. Of course there is a serious rice, bean and avocado trio happening perhaps four times a week, but the amount of vegetables im consumiung is more than ever and when i put good things into me, i feel more clear mentally and stronger physically. I actually am on day two of Elissa Goodman’s cleanse and so far im loving it. I had a great poop this morning.
And speaking of physically, im working out more than ever before. I used to have such limited time in the morning (and ive never been an after work, workout person).. Now, without the crazy commute to my kids school, i have more time to walk in my neighborhood, followed by a yoga class with one of my faves Tom Morley. (@globaltriberetreats). No matter how tired I am, how terrible I slept the night before, I push myself to do both. In the afternoons, I end the day around 6 with a family walk. The minute I step outside and feel the air, it changes my spirits and its a great way to leave work behind me. I leave my phone behind and focus on myself and my family and take deep breaths. it really helps shed all angst.
Per the advice of Harold Kolowicz, found of the Child Mind Insitute, I stopped having the news on all day. It did no good for me. I now limit it to ten minutes a day and its helped with my anxiety tremendously.
In the mornings, I try to not check any emails or engage with any electronics until im completely ready for work. This way im present for myself and my kids, without having work stress in the back of my mind. Once, im ready to start the work day, and ive had my warm water, my breakfast, my workout, my shower, my face routine etc.. then i turn it all on. Im completely in it and more focused.
Ive learned to keep a schedule with everything. Having a schedule really helps me stay on track and the day just moves. I work standing in my bathroom. I have a beautiful big window in there and I find the natural light really lifts me. I pump my essential oils all day. My favorite brand is Twig & Petal and i use the frankinesens oil which helps balance my hormones and strengthens immunity, among many other benefits.
I always sat at work, but knew the benefits of standing and while I thought I could never do it, I am actually hooked on it now. Standing actually reduces back pain, lowers your risk of heart disease, helps improve your mood and energy level and can boost your overall productivity. I have been loving it. The only thing is its a bit of an eye sore in my bathroom with the backgammon board and three books on top of my bathroom counter, so that my computer can be eye level.
My sister hosts an incredible zoom breathwork that helps me release a lot of sadness, trauma and pain @thecarljungl. she has an incredible soundtrack that is really powerful and it helps me stay with the breath. I have to do it in a corner nook of the house b/c sometimes i cry really loud. I also love meditation with Jakki Smith Leonardini (@jakki_leonardini) and attending workshops hosted by Kasey Crown who is an incredible integrative psychotherapist. These are my “go to” people when i need support and feel myself starting to sink.
I’ve become a hot bath junkie. I dump epson salt or do treatments by Pursoma. When I’m getting sick, i love their Hot Tub Flu Bath, but in general, my favorite is their “Digital Detox” that helps you detox from the daily radiation we receive from our computers and the toxins we take in daily without even knowing. You sweat like a beast and i can’t get enough. I’m all about releasing toxins constantly.
Staying as healthy as I can, as clean as I can, as active as I can has been my saving grace.
Ashlee Margolis is the Founder & CEO of The A List, a Los Angeles based influencer and experiential global marketing firm. Margolis and The A List have been responsible for securing and curating some of the most successful celebrity and influencer campaigns that have dominated social media.