Before bed each night, I try to always find the time to review my day and the gifts I received throughout.

Sometimes it’s easy … sometimes, not so much.

When I have a really good day, I take the time to go over the details later, savoring them a second or third time. Eking as much satisfaction as possible in reflection.

When I have a challenging day, sometimes I find myself poring over the details and pain experienced. Why did this go wrong. What else could I have done? Why me … again?? Sigh! 

Then I remember. I have a choice on what I spend my energy on. I can dwell on the challenges OR I can find the positive in the lessons learned.

Understanding our energy

By reframing our thoughts and focusing on the lessons we received (and they are there if you look closely!), we can instead call forth the many blessings that were present. This practice transforms our awareness as it reveals the fullness at the heart of our lives!

It can be as simple as being grateful for the roof over your head, spending some time in nature, the food we cook, and our health. Also remember to be grateful for the people in your life who support you and will be available with a caring ear if needed, no matter how bad your day may have been. 

Just reviewing the many positive offerings in life provides a greater context for the difficulties. And puts them in proper perspective. We’ve all had the experience of a disappointment or loss leading to a surprising gain!

Remembering this and trusting the give and take of the universe helps to remind us that sometimes the best gifts of all are the ones we don’t recognize right away. 

In addition, the lessons we learn in the face of adversity are offerings in their own right, allowing us to count patience, wisdom, resilience and fortitude alongside the other gifts of the day.

Unlocking unlimited happiness

Here’s a mind-blowing thought… Harboring negative thoughts are the only things that separate us from non-stop happiness!

It’s a simple fact. By choosing to focus on how lucky and blessed we are every day we will literally re-sculpt our brain. And our new default will be gratitude. Love. Joy. Positivity.

Tonight, when you go to bed … take the time to count your blessings from throughout day. Take it seriously. The more gratitude we give out into the world, the quicker you’ll find yourself attracting and multiplying even more blessings to you.

And when you wake up to a fresh morning, I’d suggest you start your day … even before you get out of bed … By proclaiming something powerful and positive. Say out loud:

I am strong. I am full of energy. I am full of joy and optimism. 

Today’s going to be amazing. I’m going to attract wonderful things all day! 

May I and everyone within my Tribe be healthy and strong, safe and protected, free from harm and fear … for all time now and far into the future. May all beings everywhere also be equally protected. 

Believe and it will be

I have a question for you … How different would your life be if you could believe that the best is about to unfold? That you have nothing at all – NOTHING – to stress over ever again? What would change for you? 

How would you approach every day… And every interaction with family, friends, colleagues, and even strangers? 

What would change if all worry was gone?

If you made that a daily habit, how do you think your life would change??

Give it a try. Just think what life will be like when you succeed!