The number of yoga and fitness instructors is on the rise as health and wellness has become a part of daily life in the past decades. Due to this wide array of options for whose class you want to take, expectations are higher for the quality of class that one expects. The below tips are designed to help you, as a yoga or fitness instructor, to gain confidence in your own skills as a teacher so that you can undeniably reach and exceed the expectations of your class.
Speak in your own voice
People love people for their unique personalities. Let your light shine through and be yourself. Talk like yourself, act like yourself, and try not to embody anyone else’s teaching style but your own. When I began teaching my first few yoga classes after I had become certified, I noticed my voice doing this smooth, seductive, and raspy tone. It just happened naturally, I don’t know where it came from, and watching it back on video – it was hilarious. I sounded nothing like myself and knew that I needed to hone my skill of cueing and relaying powerful messages, intentions, and mantras that are key to being an impactful Yoga instructor.
Identify what classes resonate with you
If something resonated with you whether it’s a style of yoga, a cue that helped you understand a pose, or an intention/words of wisdom from an instructor, take note. Learning is constant and along the way you’ll hear something powerful so remember to jot it down so you can share it with others.
Practice, practice, practice
Whether you’re in the mirror, filming yourself, or in person with friends and family, set aside time and energy to practicing speaking through your sequence. If your class includes a playlist, this will also allow you to make sure that the songs you’ve chosen work with the pace and timing of your class.
Ask for honest feedback
Ask people whose opinion you trust and respect for 3 solid points of constructive criticism. In your next class with them, aim to work on those three points then speak with them to reevaluate. This will allow you to work on areas that you may have not considered to need improvement in a low-judgement zone.
Start small & grow from there
When you’re beginning to teach yoga classes, start with private lessons or small class sizes. Fewer people in a room is a much less intimidating audience than a typical full studio class. Once you’ve built up your teaching confidence, you’ll feel more comfortable teaching, and no doubt more people will flock to your class.