How many of us walk our dog and spend time with them and are always met with our dogs bad behavior? What do you do? Do you allow that bad behavior to shape and affect your day? Well let’s figure out how to change out!
What is going on is that we many times are allowing the dogs to shape and affect our lives to the point that we pour our anger and frustration on them. By allowing those emotions to overcome us we then allow the rest of our day to control us as well. Unfortunately that beautiful and innocent dog is the beholder of unrealistic perfect behavior and the giver of emotional rollercoasters. What we have to realize is that our dogs are a product of their environment, and being that their environment is us WE then have to understand what we are doing wrong and what WE can do better.
Frustration from the dog comes from our frustration to the environment, the same is for anxiety and anger. We constantly allow the triggers around us to control us, when we can actually control them. We have to externalize our power and strengths. Our dogs bad behavior is a wake up call for us. One, for us to have a deep internal conversation with ourselves to understand what we are doing wrong. Two, for us to understand how we can have better lives by simply switching our mindsets.
By controlling the triggers and environment, and not letting ourselves go afloat with every fleeting emotion and thought we give ourselves a reassurance that life will have a constant balanced energy to it. Even more so, we reassure the same to our dogs as well. The end result is a happy and harmonious life together with the family and your favorite furry best friend.