So you want to find yourself?

I have good news. You don’t have to look further. You already found yourself. You are right there. Just pinch yourself. Yeap, you found you. The mission is over, you can breathe.

“Very funny, Kat”, you may say, “you know I really want to find myself…like really…”

My answer is still the same. You are right there, no need to look anywhere.You are right there.

You, your entire self, sitting in front of your laptop, reading every single blog and self-help book, trying to find the magic solution and the yellow road to the real you. Yes, that entire real you is right there.

Stop looking. You’ve found it.

All bits and pieces, all cells and molecules, all talents and all your purpose is right there in you.

But okay, I know what you mean…What you really want is figuring out your heart’s true desire.

What you really want is discovering your true purpose in life.

What you really want is finding a way to live your life from a passion in alignment with your purpose.

Ultimately what you want is discovering the secret how to live your life happy, healthy and free from your heart and soul with passion unapologetically as who you are deep inside your heart.

This is what you really want, right?!

The good news is that all this passion, happiness, health and freedom is already all in you. It is just waiting to be open.

The good news is what you desire is completely possible.

The truth is that it is a process requiring a patience, inner-work, inner-discovery, tapping into your heart and moving forward. It is a beautiful journey with gorgeous flowers on the way.

Are you ready to get started?

Here are 3 ways to discover your true desire and start living life happy, healthy and free from your heart and soul with passion unapologetically as who you are deep inside your heart.

Journaling from the heart: Open your journal. Write the sentence on the top of the page “What I truly desire in life…” And start writing. Write for 10 minutes minimum without stopping, without even lifting your pen. Punctuation, spelling, and grammar are not important now. Just free-write. Write from the heart. Do this exercise preferably every day, but minimally four times a week. Each day you will get closer to the truth – but it is all up to you how much you let your heart out on the paper.

List of passions: Start writing a list. Write down everything that comes to mind that you are passionate about (for me: running, traveling, nature, 5Rhythms, listening to people, health coaching etc), write down everything you love doing on a regular basis (for me: running, writing, buying flowers etc), write down everything you have tried in the past, enjoyed, would love to do again but somehow you never get around to it (for me: spinning, rebounding, painting, swimming with dolphins etc), and finally write down everything you would like to try or do yet (for me: sky-diving, volunteering with a sea turtle project, running an ultra-marathon etc). Keeping adding to your list as you think of new things, it is a forever growing list of passion. Now start doing the things on your list: preferably one new thing every day. Continue doing what you like and drop what you don’t. This is a wonderful way to discover new things and discover what is right for you.

Be in nature: Everything is energy. Connecting with nature and drawing energy from nature is so important in my mind. Being in nature is truly the best way to connect with the world, to connect with ourselves and to connect with our heart’s true desire. Put on your running shoes and go for a run on the trails. Go hiking. Jump into the sea, lake or river and go for a swim. Dance in the forest. Get dirty and work in your garden. Plant a tree or grow some vegetables. Watch the birds flying by. Do some earthing. Do yoga outdoors. Meditate sitting in the fresh grass. Hug a tree. Breathe in the fresh air and let nature speak to you. And now listen to your heart closely.

Following these steps you will get closer to your true self and your heart’s desire. What lights up your world? What warms up your heart? What makes you smile and giggle like no other? I want to hear from you.

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