Every company has limited resources from which to fuel their progress. Your company only has so much staff time and attention, only so many proven vendors and suppliers, only so much customer demand and potential, and only so much money.
The most successful companies make the tough choices of how to best invest their limited resources to help them succeed. The key step here is not figuring out what to say yes to, that’s easy. The tough step is both saying “no” to those good but not great ideas that drain resources from your best areas, and to live this commitment as a company, day in, day out.
The key is to focus and align your top company resources around your “Fewer, Better” things–those things that done well will truly make the biggest difference helping your company reach its top goals. Narrow your focus to more of what matters most by eliminating those things that matter less.
Here are 5 questions to help you uncover your business’s “Fewer, Better” things to focus in on so you can quickly grow your company.
1. What is your #1 business goal–the one goal over the next 2-3 years that you are most committed to reaching as a company?
2. What are you 3-5 biggest opportunities that if you seized them and executed reasonably well on them would accelerate you to reach your #1 business goal? Ultimately you’ll need to narrow down to execute on one or two opportunities, but what is your short list of opportunities to choose your one or two from?
3. What are your company’s 5-7 greatest strengths that will help you reach your #1 business goal? Make sure that any opportunity you choose to pursue is one that is rooted in your strengths, if it isn’t, then it’s not an opportunity for your company to pursue.
4. What are the toughest 5-7 obstacles standing in your way from reaching your #1 business goal? These obstacles are clues to which steps you need to take next to progress toward your most important business goal.
5. What are the 3-5 gravest threats that could stop your company cold from reaching its #1 goal? What are the threats that could derail your company and cause significant damage to your company? A portion of your best resources needs to be focused on mitigating your most serious threats while you still have time to do something about them.
Now go back over your answers and pick the very most essential 3-5 “Fewer, Better” things for your company to focus on over the next 12 months so that it progresses towards your key business goal.
Remember, it’s not about more, it’s about better. By focusing on fewer, better things you radically enhance your company’s ability to grow. Same hours in the day, just much higher value to which you put each of those hours.
If you want to learn more about how to scale your business, I’m about to teach a new webinar that will focus on the key steps you need to take to grow your business and get your life back.
If you’d like to join me on this special webinar training, please just click here to learn the details and to register. (It’s free.)