3 Ways to Schedule Walking Meetings in Your Office

Do you know what’s common between the late Steve Jobs, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and former US President Harry S Truman? All of them shared an affinity for walking meetings. That’s mainly because meetings on the feet improve the health of the attendants, decrease the number of sick days, and lower the health costs of the organization.

Here are some other benefits which you can accrue from scheduling walking meetings:

1.   Enhance your creativity 

Do you know that walking meetings can get your creative juices flowing? A study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology has found out that whether you’re walking indoors or outdoors, your creative inspiration is much more than your sitting colleagues.

2.   Improves Memory and Mental health

It is an old idea to walk when thinking because of memory increases while walking. Meetings on the move challenge you to deceive digital memory by putting the phone on charging stations for a while and stick to the plan by keeping minutes in mind.

3.   Improves communication

It is a proven fact that we communicate better when we feel good. Hence the reason why you should be on your feet more often. That’s because when we’re walking, our body releases endorphins – the hormone of happiness. For this reason, walking meetings can induce happiness in their participants and, therefore, lead to more energetic conversations.

4.   Cut the cost of office resources

Long board meetings take a toll on office resources in a way by fueling attendees with tea or coffee, along with providing a constant supply of phone charger stations to use memo apps. On the other hand, walking meetings that are shorter, result-oriented and take place in a natural environment keeping the participants active and engaged, away from charging stations for phones.

5.   Improve the mutual bonding of coworkers

Walking meetings set the teams in any environment irrespective of any status or designation acumen. Working peers walk and talk together, comfortably without any class apprehension, focused on work with a sense of partaking.