Five Tips And Tricks To Be More Kind In Your Daily Life

In contrast to what most of us believe, being kind not only makes others around us comfortable, but it also makes us feel better inside and out. Researchers have found out that people who show empathy to others are more likely to remain happy.

In other words, even from a selfish point of view, being kind pays. Hence the reason why you might want to try out these five tips and tricks to be more kind in your daily life:

1.  Ask others about themselves

To avoid becoming self-centered, try to know more about others’ lives without coming across as an overly intrusive person. Ask people questions about themselves and how they are doing. These things will show them that you care about them and want to know about their perspectives and experiences.

2.  Say ‘Please’ and ‘Thank You’ more often

This may seem small and insignificant, but you will be surprised by the studies which show what difference they can make. Saying ‘Please’ and ‘Thank you’ along with a smile goes a long way in boosting your interpersonal relationships.

3.  Offer your help freely and often

Whether it be coworkers doing office projects or just holding the door open for someone at the portable photo booth or offering to help to carry stranger’s groceries, offering your help to those around you one of the best ways you can become more empathetic.

4.  Adopt a positive body language

Your body can communicate a kind and open nature. Try to smile more and make eye contact so that others can have the impression that you are invested in the conversation and taking it seriously. Carrying a casual smile, as if you are posing in front of a photo booth for rent, is more enough to make others comfortable in your presence.

5.  Give compliments to others

Praising others and not just yourself is a huge factor that can transform you into a much kind and more helpful person. Small compliments like, ‘you look fabulous today’ or ‘I like your shoes,’ can make the recipient appreciated and happy and may even turn out to be the high point of their day. Plus, the more you do it, the more it will be easier for you to see the positive attributes of others.