If a team is only as strong as its weakest member, how strong is your team’s performance? In the fast-paced digital era, dominated by uncertainty and a need for speed, a company with teams who can’t work quickly, creatively and efficiently together risks becoming obsolete. It’s a simple fact: If you can’t deliver enough value, customers will go elsewhere. Enough competitors and startups exist in every industry that even those on top don’t stay there for long without consistently focusing on keeping top performance (just ask Nokia, Blockbuster or Kodak).
Allowing low performance in the culture ultimately demotivates high performers in the process. Steve Jobs once talked about how hiring “A” players often leads to more “A” players because that’s who they enjoy working with. “It propagates,” he says. Even just one “B” player, meaning a lower-performing team member, can change the output for the entire team. As a leader, it’s your top priority to unlock the potential of each individual in your team as well as manage the performance of the team as a whole.
As an executive and team coach for global Fortune 500 companies, I’ve seen that not every low-performance situation is the same and that different approaches need to be used depending on the root cause of the low performance. Here are the top five ways leaders can effectively deal with their low-performing team members:
1. Don’t confuse diversity with low performance.
Teams with a great mix of diversity can sometimes feel “inefficient” because differing viewpoints are expressed in meetings and decisions become harder to agree upon. The process can feel slower and take longer overall. Yet this diversity tension is actually helpful for creative and financial success. Great leaders harness the power of diversity and see healthy friction as a positive sign for the team.
2. Make your expectations clear.
One of the biggest reasons for a team member’s low performance is that the leader hasn’t been providing enough purpose, vision and clarity around expected outcomes. Ensure you are communicating these clearly and regularly. One tip for ensuring team members understand is to ask them to repeat back what they’ve heard are the vision and expected outcomes. From their own words, you can uncover where there may be a misunderstanding or where they don’t have enough clarity. Great leaders will also discuss both “what” the team member needs to produce (the content) as well as “how” they should go about getting their work done (the culture/way of working).
3. Have ongoing performance conversations.
Communication and feedback are key to supporting top performance, yet they often come too late into the situation to be impactful. Leaders describe feeling reluctant to have tough conversations for fear of making the situation worse, creating a conflict or upsetting a person. Great leaders put aside their discomfort and accompanying excuses (such as “I don’t have enough time”) and find a way to empathetically show up for their team members for a conversation and regular feedback. It’s difficult to fix a performance problem without understanding it first, and the fastest way to understanding it is by communicating directly with the team member.
4. Balance the individual’s needs with the team’s needs.
You are the leader of the team. You need to think about how to serve your team members holistically, not just any one individual. You only have so much energy to use and there are only a finite number of hours in the working day; your time is not best spent coaching low performers to get them to a baseline performance level. Give sufficient time to each team member, but maximize your impact by redirecting your extra time and energy toward developing your top performers.
5. Let go of the guilt when you need to let someone go.
Guilt is one of the top reasons leaders put off firing a low performer. Have I done enough for them? How will their family be affected? Is it really that bad? Remember, a great leader needs to balance the impact on the individual with the impact of keeping the individual on the team. The cost of inaction isn’t nothing — it’s big, and it affects the lives of all your team members and the company. If you’ve been clear in your expectations, coached their skills and the team member still isn’t capable of performing at the level that you need, it’s time to let them go.
As the leader, you play a large role in both individual and team performance and, ultimately, set the path for your team’s success. In a world dominated by uncertainty and a need for speed, a high-performing team can’t afford to have even one low performer. Set clear performance expectations and keep focusing the majority of your energy on growing and maintaining your “A” players — because that’s where your unstoppable performance will come from.
This article originally appeared on Forbes.com