Five Ways to Live in The Moment When You Are at Work
Most people aim to live in the moment, but it can be especially difficult during a stressful or boring day at work. Practising the art of ‘mindfulness,’ however, helps you to become more aware, more focused, calmer and better able to deal with your task load and moody colleagues. As Eckhart Tolle wrote in The Power of Now: “Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.”
Here are five ways to live in the moment at work.
Start The Day With A Positive Attitude
Always begin by thinking that it will be a good day. Some people start the day with a prayer and this is a comforting and relaxing way to prepare for work, especially if you face difficult challenges, such as presentations or meetings. If you believe in God, why not begin the day with a short prayer to help you through challenges, and to assist with facing moody colleagues.
Another excellent way to prepare for work is to meditate for a short time. One way to do this is to sit quietly and relax your mind for ten minutes every morning by clearing your thoughts. Some people chant or imagine that they are in a peaceful place, such as a beautiful garden. If this is difficult, there are several meditation podcasts and Apps which are worth trying.
Write A To-Do List
It’s a good idea to arrive early before facing the distractions of a busy office. Hopefully, in this tranquil period before the official working day begins, you will have time to write a list of your tasks. List them in their order of importance and cross them off when they’re finished.
It can be hard to remember everything that needs doing, and keeping lists is calming as well as useful. It helps to see something crossed off the list when it’s finished, and know that you won’t have to worry about it again.
Practise Being In A ‘State of Flow’
Clear your mind of distractions and concentrate entirely on your work, if possible. Getting into a ‘state of flow’ will improve your productivity and make the day go by much more quickly. This is much easier if you find your work interesting, of course, but it is also possible to apply this to boring or fiddly jobs, such as simple accounts.
D H Lawrence was a master of this. He applied mindfulness to the washing-up! He apparently enjoyed it because it was an easy task and he also believed that we shouldn’t fret about carrying out the necessary chores of daily life.
Stay Composed With Difficult People
Focus on your breathing when dealing with a nasty or difficult person at work. This will help you stay calm and aware without lashing out at any hurtful or stressful remarks. The old advice of taking ten deep breaths when you think that you are going to lose your temper is helpful here!
Remember that your co-workers may have to cope with taxing situations in their own lives before getting into a quarrel which will affect the atmosphere of the office. Try to remain positive and friendly, unless you are suffering from workplace bullying, of course. Report this to your superiors.
Finish The Day Tranquilly
When the day is over, don’t think about any bad things that happened during work. Tidy up your desk. Leave any important papers nearby so that you can continue working on them in the morning. It won’t be a pleasant start to the next day if your office is at all messy.
Say a pleasant goodbye to your colleagues and clear your mind of work problems as soon as you leave. Many people use their evening commutes as a time to ‘wind down’ and prepare for a relaxing evening at home, or an enjoyable night out. Remember, as Anne Shirley once said: “Tomorrow is a new day – with no mistakes in it.”