We are highly intelligent creatures.
There is no limit to what we can create
But we are all facing challenging situations. I know I am. In fact, sometimes, my own intelligence goes against me. If I can discipline my mind and draw upon it cautiously, I have a higher chance of overcoming most of my problems. I need to fix my mind first before fixing the problem.
To find the right answer, you need to convince your thinking mind, especially the self-talk mind that puts your thoughts into actions.
Usually, we generally know enough to decide. Still, we do not take the self-dialogue actions seriously. Our mind is not satisfied or is not convinced there is an urgent need for it, or worth the effort or possible outcome. Our minds are programmed to think based on what is logical and practical, even before taking the first step. We are quick to say NO.
Do you have an interesting problem or challenge that has been creeping into your mind for a while, but you keep brushing it aside? By answering this question, I bet your mind is ticking and venturing into all aspects of your life, such as family, career, business, personal goals, wants, and big dreams. Hold on, can you see self-care or well-being in that thought process of yours? If no, why not?
Do you believe you have more important things to take care of than your well-being?
Let me ask you again. Do you have an interesting problem or challenge that has been playing on your mind for a while, but you keep brushing it aside?
Issues about your state of health and the well-being that you keep sweeping under the carpet?
You might not be aware of the alarming health issues as you continue to ignore some obvious signs. It is never on your radar, but I am detecting it and bringing it to your attention now.
I may not be able to tell you what to do, but I hope my message can motivate you to check in with the level of comfort residing in your body and mind that more coffee or addiction good life is not able to solve for you; I think that is a good start to what yoga can address, in your consciousness. Are you knowingly avoiding the solution to your health issues?
Don’t worry-one step at a time
Do you have aching shoulders, back, arm, neck, knee, hip pain, emotionally, do you feel drained and no hope, or have frequent shortness of breath with no obvious reason, worry, anxiety, mood swings, sleepless nights, and anything that doesn’t seem like the normal you?
If there is a chance you are feeling somewhat off your game, do spare some time to find out why
You will know the right actions to take when you work on convincing the thinking mind to work with you and for you. How do you go about doing this?
Our body is built around a skeleton. We have a sensory system that reflects on what we perceive from our environment and reacts accordingly to keep us safe and comfortable. We are well taken care of by our human body. Our body is always giving and forgiving even though we intentionally or unintentionally put it through harsh situations like overworking, over-drinking, overindulgence, and on many occasions, over-attaching to our stress factors and expectations.
How can we convince our minds to work for us and take the leap for better health and self?
Work on your healing breath. It is within you and around you. Healing breath is your intentional breath to clear possible energy blockage in your physical and mental body.
I taught my students to apply this technique, Touch and Breath. Your fingers are gently resting on the body parts that need some tender care; where you touch is where you direct your breath, without much effort. You relax the muscles by permitting yourself to do less. This is one challenging task for the mind because doing less is not a logical thing to do. Remember, fix the mind first-it is logical because you want to feel good in your own body.
It is pretty common to think productivity is the driver to a fulfilling career and life; however we miss out on the health-compromising factors. Imagine this; your productivity is achieved through the sustainability of your body and mind. Do you agree?
How do you measure the quality of your life? Do you include warm and heartfelt relationships with family and friends, a pain-free and guilt-free lifestyle, a happy and healthy mindset, and showing up with compassion and kindness?
Does anything need fixing? Be honest because your future is in your head.
Need some pointers? Book a discovery call with me. You have 10 seconds to click on the link before you procrastinate.