Not everyone is going to like you and quite frankly you are not going to like everyone either. There are always those people that will rub you the wrong way and even though you may be an amazing person with a big heart you are also going to rub someone else the wrong way. Such is life.

One thing we have to remember though is we can not please everyone. Just as a mom with five kids would say, not everyone is going to like what you make for dinner, but you also aren’t going to make 7 different things because that is irrational. You make what you want to for dinner and if they are hungry they will eat it. This feeds into, you be yourself, and if your light attracts someone else then you were meant to connect and if it doesn’t — you simply weren’t. There isn’t much more of an explanation than that.

However there are going to be times when it’s not that easy. For example, this past week I had a not so nice letter written about me and it was pointed out to me that my business made someone feel the opposite of what we set out to make them feel like. All in one week. I felt like the sky was falling, I got so worked up I made myself physically sick. Head cold, and butt hurt, I crawled into a dark hole and didn’t come out for what was a few days.

When I finally decided to work up the courage to come out of my lonely dark hole and fix my pony tail in order to handle it, I realized a few things. And here they are:

  • Not everyone is going to like you, so focus and love the ones that do.
  • Coffee can sometimes save a bad mood, don’t forget to drink it.
  • Failures are the best learning experiences, even though they seem really bad in the end the do more good than anything.
  • Sometimes you just have to fix your ponytail and move on.

It’s okay to be in a bad place sometimes, everybody has those days, those weeks, those months, just don’t forget to work up the courage to get up fix your ponytail or man bun and get back to work. Life will go on, with or without you. — have the courage to get back up and try again.

Originally published at