It’s astonishing how many of us humans try to trick ourselves into believing that our diet is unimportant… It’s literally one of the most important tangible parts of your life. It can give you life or death.

How do you know that you have a poor relationship with food?

  • You eat when you’re not hungry, consistently
  • You receive good news and you instantly think of food needed to celebrate
  • You eat past the point of fullness often
  • You regret what you eat
  • Snacks end up in your hand and you have no idea where they came from
  • You use food as a filler to boredom, emotional lack, anger, anxiety, disappointment, etc., in order to make you feel happy
  • You obsess over how much you are or are not eating

It’s okay… I was there too

In college, I started eating an excess of foods that didn’t make me feel good. I ate anything and everything out of emotion. Nothing was my fuel; food was my vice.

Looking back, I know my energy would’ve have been SO much higher had I been fueling myself properly. I would’ve had the body I wanted, the confidence I craved, the relationships I wanted, and school would have likely been a lot smoother.

Speaking from my experience with getting this under control and eliminating this issue from my life over the past 3 years, I can give you the golden nuggets if you’re currently stuck in this phase of your life.


1.EDUCATE YOURSELF. Nowadays, you don’t have to take a course to do this. You can read, listen, or watch your way to understanding the basics of nutrition. You can also hire a coach to teach you, just be sure you listen to/read their content and see that it resonates with you, as emotional eating is a vulnerable issue, and you want to fully trust who you are working with.

2.IDENTIFY CURRENT HABITS. This was big for me. I just started to be hyper aware of when and why I’d grab a box of Cheez-Its and go to town.

3.TEST YOURSELF… THEN PRACTICE Play a game of no snacking out of boredom or emotion for 24 hours. Slap your hand away from the cereal. REALLY put the effort into your test. If you can do it for one day, keep testing it. You can do this about one habit at a time. If you eat out of boredom, that’s one habit. If you overeat at celebrations, that’s a separate habit. All of them take PRACTICE to break.

After this point, you know what macros and micros are, why they’re important, and how they’re used as fuel. You’ve either learned this on your own or you’ve hired a coach to help you. You’ve identified when and why you have certain habits around eating. Now, it’s just putting in the work, being vulnerable with someone (or yourself) to hold you accountable, and breaking those habits surrounding food.

This is the hard part, but trust me, I’m on the other side and it’s SO worth the battle.

So with love, I send you strength.

Get into it.


Coach Linds