Success comes “one step at a time.” Jordan Sparks sang it well. However, for some of us, we would rather have a constant jog or speedy race to the finish line. How easy it would be to move against natural timing, and speed up the essences of time! To practically achieve our goals overnight! What a joy it would be!
We’re just that close. If only we could have it right then and there. We would feel that we have achieved something. Waiting can be agonizing. Many times, we wonder if our work is in vain. It’s like we are never going to get there, and we wonder why we are even continuing on our journey for that promotion, or advancement. The desire to work on that prestigious project. That only a few at the company get to work on, gets stronger and stronger with every thought. We want our promotion, our raise, our special status in the company, and we want it now!
Let’s step back for a minute, shall we? If we wanted something now, and did not go through the journey to get it, would we truly value it?
Tea In Hand. Take a Sip. Clink our glasses. Wait a Moment. Ponder.
It’s going on that journey, that agonizing, frustrated, “I wanna’ give up,” “Are my efforts in vain?” journey. That journey where we not only want to throw in the towel, but burn it up, as well. Walking, running, jogging, and dancing through this journey is what makes that moment of success much more valuable. Like a diamond. Precious stones, that you, and the chosen few, were selected to get. It is a relief and you proved that you could hang with the Giants, the Legends. Anything short of that journey will not bring the satisfaction, that one desires. It’s one of those experiences, where no one can de-value, or negate the success, once it is received. Because at the end of the day. . .Baby, you put in the work!
Getting those promotions, career advancements, or prestigious positions comes at a price. Your endurance is tested. You are forced to value your work, if you haven’t already done so. Then, after going through a period of mental doubt, feeling that the situation is hopeless, you come to the reality that you just have to keep pushing. You are forced to stay true to the value of the work. The more you put in, while letting higher-ups subconsciously know about this work, the further you are propelled into being called by leadership to present on this exciting, new thing.
I know. You feel you are almost there, and you are tired of waiting. You want to be noticed for the prestige. The physical work of pushing and enraged in not reaching the rewards, yet , is tapping on your mental psyche. You are cringing, and have even had those moments of silent teardrops. Even through all of that. . .
You keep pushing. You press on.
But, guess what? It’s worth the wait! Do you know why? Because it is by going through this journey that you will elevate yourself in investing higher into the project, promotion, or that new position, you are seeking. You will appreciate the position in such a profound way. And it is all part of the journey, that you went through to get there. The truth of the matter is that you did more than “put in the work.” Many people “put in work,” but they didn’t get the promotion or special project. You presented yourself as a creative entity, and depicted yourself as a special jewel. One that will heighten the value of the company.
When it comes to advancements, promotions, or getting those top notch company projects, our journey of patience comes in hand. It makes the journey less unpleasant. It makes the ride smoother. It allows us to ENJOY the work. Remember when we talked about working well, and allowing the work to nourish us? Spend more time enjoying the work. And, when that time comes. . .The management sends an e-mail for a special meeting. They come knocking on your office door. Your are given a new pair of keys. Flowers and the welcome letter are laying decoratively on your desk.