Follow your heart, but take your brain with you.
* This is what you want…
Our emotions are powerful. Loving someone we usually run with what our heart feels.
* This is what you get…
How many of us, fall in love based solely on our how our heart feels? This information tends to go to the emotional or primitive part of our brain. Suggestion; the next time you feel that sudden rush, “I love this person,” check in with your rational brain (located in your prefrontal cortex.) The brain is the most important and complex organ in our bodies. Your frontal lobe is responsible for planning, logical thinking, reasoning and managing emotions. A balance between “your heart & your rational brain is very important. You will experience less disappointment in love if you stop and think it through.
* Here’s how to do it…
It is our M.O. to run with our loving heart. Without checking in with your rational brain, we are flying blind. We ask ourselves why this “burning love” didn’t work out?
Save yourself the disappointment, the questions; “why does this keep happening?”,
“I was so sure.” Balance your heartfelt feeling with your brain, you will find more success in the “love department.””
Go for it, follow your heart, but remember; take that rational part of your brain with you. It took me many “relationships” to figure this out! Love fills us up, it feels so good, Endorphin City. Please check in with yourself before you fly away on the wings of love.
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