On the eve of a new year, the world yearns for certainty, looks for a source of security, and clings to faith that a higher power will manage and arrange everything in reality for a better future. People need to feel that there is something to hold on to, an anchor to tether to, to withstand the strong waves crashing over the planet and their personal lives. That safe harbor, the revelation of a strong force capable of restoring harmony, is attained in the connection between us.
We need to believe that we are in a world that is utterly good, and if we adjust ourselves to the qualities of bestowal of the upper force, we will feel our reality as a positive one. It all depends on the way in which we relate to it. Our entire challenge is to understand what the upper force is doing with us, and for what purpose. When we start understanding, in that same measure we also start feeling and loving the upper force, the higher power, Him.
Michael Laitman
When a year ends, a fresh new start is expected. People look to the time to come with excitement and hope that the sadness and blows of 2020 will be washed away and the sun will finally pour over the horizon. Our prospects for the future all depend only on how well we understand what is going on with us, on how we accept and process what has passed and on what we make out of what unfolds. There is nothing for us to do but to open our eyes and look a bit further ahead in a more goal-oriented manner, in complete faith that everything happens for a positive purpose.
The force of faith is a tremendous force. In fact, it can actually be divided into two ways of relating to the world around us: First, people search for the powers behind the inanimate elements of nature such as trees, mountains, sky, moon, sun, the upper force—something they do not really know or understand but have a special attitude toward something superior to them. That kind of faith is in the greatness of the unknown. A second kind of faith is where a supreme force is not perceived; there is only a sensation of fear and anxiety about things we do not know how to comprehend or handle.
In truth, we evaluate whether something is good or bad, correct or wrong, according to our egoism—our desire to receive for ourselves with no regard for what benefits others. Whether we realize it or not, we are part of a whole and perfect system of nature that is round and precise.
But a conviction in the completeness and perfection of reality does not arrive suddenly; it develops in a gradual process. Faith includes many stages. It begins as uncertainty about something higher, something we do not know how to grasp, until we develop a relationship with it, with that upper force. Special discernments are attained through that connection. We start to look at everything that happens in reality as linked to the supreme force which is perceived as good and benevolent. Then, we come to see wholeness and perfection in all the situations in every realm of life.
As a result of the pandemic and all the global problems we have endured in 2020, we have reached a new stage in our development that will propel us to a new degree of life, a new worldview of humanity as one family. The problems we face are pushing us forward, helping us to discover that the supreme power is one and is for all. Humanity is discovering the power of love that is revealed in the connection between us. When we overcome our divisions and express willingness to unite and transcend above our individual egoism—the single factor that keeps us apart—we thereby improve everyone’s fate.
We need to believe that we are in a world that is utterly good, and if we adjust ourselves to the qualities of bestowal of the upper force, we will feel our reality as a positive one. It all depends on the way in which we relate to it. Our entire challenge is to understand what the upper force is doing with us, and for what purpose. When we start understanding, in that same measure we also start feeling and loving the upper force, the higher power, Him. Let us hope that in this new year 2021, we will discover how our reality works in total perfection.