Martin Polanco

Today, most of our emotional wounds and disappointments stem from our relationships. No two people can love and appreciate in the same intensity. Hence, most people run the risk of getting neglected or misunderstood from time to time. That aside, there are conflicts between people, resulting in a nasty fight and toxic bonds. There are times when people often take on an “eye for an eye” mindset and get vengeful. Even though it might seem like a natural reaction, it never benefits anyone. Instead, it affects your mental health ultimately. Hence, it’s always beneficial to let go and practice forgiveness for balanced mental health and inner peace.

Why shouldn’t you hold on to anger? Insights by Martin Polanco

According to several researchers and studies, resentment, hostility, and ongoing anger get always associated with poor mental and physical health. It might appear highly challenging to move through such emotions and feel pity or compassion for the people who hurt or wronged us. But when you reach a place of forgiveness within, it can completely set us free from the poison of burdensome emotions and negative thoughts that can usually prolong the feelings of suffering and anger stemming from the initial offense.

The mental health benefits of forgiveness

If you have learned to forgive, you can have several mental health benefits. First and foremost, the capability to forgive gets linked to minimized anxiety, depression, and stress. It can add to your feelings of inner and outer wellbeing. Also, people who can let go of the past and can forgive easily have a sense of life satisfaction. Also, when you can forgive people, it enhances your relationships.

According to studies, people who hold on to anger develop more stress and anxiety, which manifests in physical ailments later. Hence, the key to stay mentally healthy and physically fit is to forgive people.

Are you new to the idea of forgiveness and are finding it challenging to practice forgiveness? If yes, then the following pointers can help you to practice forgiveness.

  1. You are doing it for yourself-

Most people think that if they forgive another person, they are benefiting the other. The truth is the reverse! You need to know that forgiveness will ultimately benefit you emotionally and mentally. Once you are free from grudges and repressed negative emotions, you can think and live freely than before. It helps you to become a happy person.

  • Forgiveness is easy

People often think that holding on to a grudge is easy and forgiveness is challenging. At the surface, it might appear so, but the truth is forgiveness is easy. You need to realize that not forgiving someone or something doesn’t make your life better. You might become a bitter person, which can adversely impact your mental health. When you think about this, you will feel that it is easier to forgive instead of holding on to grudges.

Martin Polanco says that everyone needs to live a deeply fulfilling, happy, and balanced life. Taking care of our mental health is essential for that. And when you learn to let go and forgive, you do your mental health a huge favor.