Do you beat yourself up over your actions?
Are you living in the past because of regrets?
If so, you can set yourself free with forgiveness. Believe it or not, forgiveness is essential to your growth. And although you may be aware that it is healthy to forgive others, you may not recognize how crucial it is to forgive yourself.
As a high-achieving woman, there are many decisions you make – from career to family to personal priority and more. At times, you may find yourself wishing you could turn back the clock and do something differently. And when a choice comes with regret, it can be difficult to move forward.
Forgiving yourself sets you free from debilitating regret and allows you to focus on the here and now. You can learn from your decisions, no matter the outcome. And when you forgive yourself, your personal awareness and self-acceptance grow.
Learn to forgive yourself for
Momentary chaos
Stress can often cause unpredictable behavior. When you’re under pressure, it’s natural to react out of character and say or do something that you might regret later. This “stress response” or “flight-or-fight” can be triggered in a moment of chaos. Yet, how you react at that moment doesn’t define you. So, the next time you are reactive under pressure, apologize to yourself for the lapse and focus on developing greater awareness of your reactions in the future.
Indulging without fulfillment
Perhaps you have a bad day or you’re feeling restless, so you look for comfort in a box of cookies, a bottle of wine, or by venting your frustrations to a friend. Whatever the indulgence, it can often leave you feeling unfulfilled afterward. Forgive yourself for your lack of discipline and remind yourself that this doesn’t have to create a pattern of bad habits. Consider the different choices you could make the next time.
Allowing yourself to be vulnerable
When you allow yourself to trust someone, their response may not always be what you had hoped for. This can leave you feeling regret for being vulnerable in the first place. So, remember that vulnerability is how you learn who you can trust. Instead of blaming yourself for speaking your truth, forgive yourself and move forward with resilience.
Low personal productivity
At times, you may find yourself moving slower. You wonder where your motivation and energy went. You might even play a self-deprecating dialogue in your head, “I’m lazy” or “I’m not doing enough”. Yet, your body is most likely slowing down for a reason, so criticizing yourself for decreased productivity will only make you feel worse. Instead, if you notice repeated bouts of low energy, acknowledge this pattern without judgment. Perhaps there are changes you can make in your daily routine to unlock greater energy. Forgive yourself for not consistently being one hundred percent, set aside time for self-care, and get back on track.
Procrastinating on the pursuit of your dreams
Perhaps you are frustrated by a vision that you can’t seem to make time for or a dream that isn’t moving forward as fast as you desire. By dwelling on your procrastination or lack of forward movement, you expend a lot of energy. It actually takes less energy to forgive yourself. And since dreams don’t usually manifest in a day, allow yourself grace. If your vision is truly soul-driven, you can recommit to making it happen and take sustainable action.
Forgiveness enables you to move forward. As you learn to accept whatever you may consider to be personal failures, you receive valuable lessons that can heighten your consciousness. You discover greater self-awareness and self-acceptance through the practice of forgiveness.
Looking for additional ways to deepen your forgiveness practice? Click here now to claim your free Self-Reflection Guide, The Art of Letting Go: How To Realize Greater Freedom And Fulfillment.
This gift will help you:
- Let go of the past
- Find self-acceptance and compassion
- Ignite passion
- Mend relationships
When you choose to let go by practicing forgiveness, you move forward with greater love, compassion, and ease.