As many of you know, it is my greatest desire to help women change their lives so that they can be fulfilled, happy and at peace with themselves. Most of us face struggles and challenges every day. Some are bigger than others. None are to be scoffed at. I’ve come up with four steps to help you address just about any challenge you’re facing.
You too can ROAR
Recognize the challenge/struggle. Name it.
Only you can choose to face/change it.
Ask for help. Create a support team to help you.
Resolve to overcome your challenge.
- Recognize your challenge or struggle. You must name it. For example: “I drink too much” “I’m 20 pounds over-weight” “I have chronic pain” “I hate my job”; you get the idea.
- Only you can choose to face it and change it. No one can do this for you. If you’re anything like me, if someone tells me that I’ve got to lose weight, I reach for a cookie (or 6). Any change must start with you and you must do it for YOU, not your husband, kids, boss.
- Ask for help. You can’t do this alone, whatever IT is. Allow yourself to be vulnerable and reach out for support. I can guarantee that you’re not alone in your struggle. Find a group.
- Resolve to overcome your challenge. Make the decision. Write out a plan if that helps. Take one step towards your goal. This is an action step, not a sit back and see what happens step.
You can do anything you set your mind to. You can even change your mindset! You will need to change your mindset. I can help you with that.
As Katy Perry so ferociously sings in Roar:
I got the eye of the tiger
A fighter
Dancing through the fire
“Cause I am a champion and you’re gonna hear me roar
You’re gonna to hear me ROAR — won’t you join me?
Until next time,