It’s a fresh day and suddenly you get a call for a job interview, exciting right? But then your mind starts to have a lot of yesses and no, how and what, what am I going to say, how is it going to be, and am I going to win this?

Well, don’t worry, you are not going to jail or to get arrested during an interview.Now, before you go to the interview, make sure to consider these few things that will help you on your interview.

Arrange your story well.

Well, it might seem normal but a proper formality of your background details is the key. Your confidence will start to show when you start explaining who you are where you from and what you have been doing till now. There will be questions like Tell us about yourself Make sure your background story simple and short for them to understand it. This gives an interviewer to see you’re well organized with your information and that the information’s given is absolutely yours.

Build a trust conversation.

To win their heart, you need to do a simple research about the company you have applied for, get to know about their products and services they offer, their market share, what they do best and who are their competitors. You might be surprised with a question “How did you know about us? Or why did you apply for the job? That’s where you start to show off with the research you did about the company, show them you are familiar with their products or services and also you know how they do in the current market. Now the trust is growing and they start to believe you didn’t just wake up and apply for a job. This will also give them a clear picture of why you have applied for the job.

Explain your key values.

Most companies before they employ someone they need to know what can you add to them with the knowledge you have, so you need to define your values to them, why should they take you? What special value will you add to the company? All these questions will be answered according to your area of expertise, skills, and experiences. And you need to justify to them what is it you have that they don’t have

Interact with questions.

Be free to ask questions that way you’re showing that even after your research you still want to know more about the company. Example of these kinds of questions are;

“What are the benefits that employee get from the company”, this kind of question drive them to explain their work relationship and opinions and also make them feel your type of person that is flexible and easy to relay on. 

And finally find out how your next step will be, are they going to call you or you call them for an update. 


  • Joel Joseph

    Writer, Artist/Talent Manager and Founder of Mr Puaz & Puaz Shop

    Puaz Company Limited

    Joel Vicent Joseph also known as Joel Joseph is a  Tanzanian Talent Manager , Writer and Entrepreneur .He is the founder of Puaz Brand ( Mr Puaz ). Joel  covers topics on career management, music business and digital marketing.