Successful career development is an ongoing process of preparation for the next transition. Whether you are a career professional, an employee, or a job seeker, you not only need to develop skills for the next transition, but you need to practice and model healthy habits. Career success begins with you. Not only will you look radiant, you might be able to connect through a healthy habit; for example, the discipline of getting up early, taking a brisk walk and eating colorful red tomatoes. Discipline is an important transferrable skill, and tomatoes are a colorful memorable example of health. 

Give Yourself Every Advantage

As the job market gets tighter, it is important to give yourself every advantage to ace the interview and become a valued employee. How does eating vegetables help you get and keep the job you want when the job market is getting more and more competitive? Eating colorful vegetables will help you: 

  • look vibrant 
  • have more energy
  • stay healthy 

I am not proposing that eating vegetables alone will get you the job you love, but maintaining a healthy lifestyle including colorful vegetables, will take you one step closer to finding and keeping a job in a tough economy.

Look Vibrant

When you eat a variety of colorful vegetables you will look vibrant with that smile and healthy glow employers are looking for and colleagues are attracted to. Whether you are working, looking for a job, managing your family or taking care of all of those roles at once, you might find it difficult to create healthy meals. But when you realize there are many fresh vegetables that are fast food, you will want to take a few minutes to slice up some colorful vegetable treats for yourself and your family. You might even take some fresh vegetables to work and influence those around you to be healthier and take less time off work. Your family or employer may not thank you, but your health will be thanks enough. 

More Energy

I like to cut up a colorful plate of bell peppers and cucumber, then add baby carrots and cherry tomatoes for a fast entre or snack. It might not be quite as fast as opening that bag of chips, but the way they pack them these days, it’s almost as easy to cut the vegetables as to get that vacuum-packed bag open. You will reap rewards when an employer recognizes a healthy energetic employee who is less stressed and often takes less time off work.

You are much more likely to have energy for your job search when you snack on healthy vegetables and fresh fruit. 

Stay Healthy

When you are healthy and at your best, you are better able to get a job or have a successful business and career. When I was doing research for my children’s book, Vegetable Kids in the Garden,  I was amazed at the benefits of eating a variety of colorful vegetables. Yes, I knew that vegetables are good for you, but delving into the vitamins and minerals in the four vegetables I use in the Vegetable Personality Styles™ analogy, and eating vegetables with diverse taste, texture, and color, I learned to enjoy not only colorful vegetables, but also colorful personalities. 

A diligent job search takes energy to self-assess, choose job categories of interest, evaluate skills and values, research companies, and look for jobs of interest. Whew! That is a lot of work. Even more so if you are managing a family, part-time work, moves or other distractions that come up in life. Whenever you can, eat fresh, get outdoors, exercise and stay healthy for your job search and work. Need help? Find support and accountability with the Success Unlimited Virtual Job Club where you can get comfortable evaluating and talking about your skills, successes, and challenges.

Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Nutrition Source. Vegetables and Fruits,

Miller, N. J. (2014). A Healthy Lifestyle Increases Career Success.

Nancy J. Miller, M.S., Career Counselor/Certified Life Coach at Creative LifeWork Design is the author of the books, Vegetable Kids in the GardenThe Vegetable Kids Cafeteria ClubFire Up Your Profile For LifeWork Success: Revised 2016,  and eBook Vegetable Personality Styles to promote healthy lifestyles for families in their life and work. She writes professional articles and gives presentations for businesses, nonprofits and conferences. Nancy uses a holistic practical approach for coaching entrepreneurs, professionals, and writers to create business and career success in harmony with their values, strengths, and lifestyle. Contact Nancy at: [email protected]. Website:, Facebook Creative LifeWork Design/Teal Publishing:

#vegetables #jobsearch #careersuccess #vegetablepersonalitystyles #healthylifestyle #jobseekers #entrepreneurs

Illustration by Wayne Russel