There have been thousands of books written about what it takes to be successful in business, and a thousand more about achieving success in life as well. You can find another thousand articles on the web that discuss the topic, and a thousand more will be written tomorrow. With such a broad subject and with so many things that can play a role in making us happy, it can be difficult to boil it down to a short list of things that anyone can read and apply in their lives.

To succeed in business today, you need to be flexible and have good planning and organizational skills. In business, advisors are crucial because you need people to bounce ideas off, inspect what you’re doing, and push you to greater accomplishments, holding you accountable for what you are committing to do. Always be good to your word and follow through on commitments, even when difficult and challenging. This isn’t about you; it’s about the business. Don’t take things personally and stay out of emotion. Do not let your ego take control.

If one thinks that the professional beauty and salon industry need no attention, you’re mistaken! In researching a rising company in this space; Framar, we realized that the amount of attention and detail that goes into every product a stylist would see is insurmountable.

What started as a business that used to sell pre-cut foils, now provides the best equipment, tools and necessities to salons around the world. Founded by Frank and Maria(FRA-MAR), over the years, they have managed to build a large customer base but more importantly, loyalty towards Framar.

However, one thing we all know about salon or beauty industry is that with time, it keeps changing. It’s got quick, quirky trends, and those who adapt to the changes, survive and win. So how does Framar make sure to tune in with the change every time? The owners shared, “We treat our customers like friends and keep our finger on the pulse through them. We also hire young minded, talented people that understand the trends and the complexity of the speed things change. They’re in touch with everything social. We keep close ties to hairstylist Facebook groups, forums and communities so that we know before we launch a product if it has the potential of being a hit!”

Framar has been in the business for more than 35 years. Today, it is one of the most well-known companies in the professional beauty space. One thing to observe about Framar is how the company is open to change and easily adopts new means of technology to make things happen, a key element in today’s successful businesses. Competition breeds the best results. To be successful, you can’t be afraid to study and learn from your competitors. After all, they may be doing something right that you can implement in your business