He asked me ‘what are you looking for?
Freedom, I said
A desire to live in the wild
Man and nature
But, there’s a high cost
To being a free spirit
Easy to be with
Yet, easy to let go
A guru to himself
Yet, a relentless student
Of ships that have sailed
Why can you own me
I want to be me, unowned
Unleashed, like a wild animal
The power from within emanates
I looked for me in you
How? when I could barely find myself
Free but lonely
Chained but together
How do we chose?
Rid of the masculine
Devoid of the feminine
In and of itself, nothing really at all
Why do you keep me in your tight fist?
He said ‘be free’
And in him I found peace
I fought to come back
And in rejection, I was free
I fought to hold onto your love
And in letting go, I was no longer bound
I held on to their love
Like it was my last breath
But if love doesn’t come easy
Then is it really love at all?
Love can only co-exist
With freedom
So when he asked, what are you looking for?
This time, I said love