
Garcinia Cambogia, also known as Malabar Tamarind is being labelled as the latest miracle in the weight loss supplements scenario. Various studies have proved that the Hydroxycitric acid (HCA), the naturally occurring compound in the fruit is an effective fat-burner and an appetite reducer. Hence, there is lot of demand for it due to all the other benefits it has besides aiding in weight loss.

What exactly is the Garcinia Cambogia?

Garcinia Cambogia is a fruit, which is native to Indonesia but also grows in other of Southeast Asian countries like India and in some African regions as well. It has been used for cooking for long in the Southeast Asia regions. It is a pumpkin shaped fruit with the size of a grape fruit. The normal fruit is of green colorbut turns to brown to black when dried. It is referred to as Brindle berry often too.

What are the benefits of the fruit?

Hydroxycitric acid (HCA), the naturally occurring compound in the fruit is a known anti-obesity agent. It not only burns fat, but also resists fat accumulation at various parts of the body. It is an active appetite suppressant and helps to control cravings and binge eating of the junk. The low serotonin levels are said to be the reason for anxiety and depression, also causing binge eating. Garcinia helps to increase the serotonin levels and curbs eating emotionally. Apart from this, it also helps to maintain blood sugar levels, improves the ability to concentrate and focus.

Traditionally, the fruit is used in chutneys in India and around, particularly to enhance the flavor and for its medicinal properties. Some of it herbal properties include treating the intestinal problems like worms and parasite. The fruit is also proven to aid in reducing the LDL, the bad cholesterol. The fruit is also used as preservative and flavor enhancer.

How does it aid in the weight loss?

Among all of its benefits, helping in weight and loss stands first. The main and naturally occurring compound Hydroxycitric Acid subdues the ATP, an enzyme causing the fat accumulation and converting the carbohydrates into fatty acids and cholesterol. Highest concentration of HC, 10 to 30%, can be found in dried food rinds of the fruit. Apart from HCA, the other enzymes present also work as force multipliers to do the function making it an all-powerful fat burner.

Precautions and Suggestions

It is recommended not to use the fruit during pregnancy and lactation period. If any symptoms like nausea, headache, digestive tract discomfort, you better consult a doctor or dietician and continue using. Since the fruit is full of essential minerals like calcium, potassium and chromium which aid the absorption of the nutrients, better results will be achieved when consumption combined with exercises and right diet.

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