As the #MeToo movement gains momentum, women are feeling empowered to share their stories of abuse and injustice. Many men are searching for ways to respond appropriately; and at this point, some men are incapable of responding at all. Others are feeling a collective share. And still others are feeling fear as a backlash may occur.
On a global level, the challenges are even more stark based on religious and cultural structures.
We are facing the relevance and timeliness of a movement that is here to stay. Let’s explore gender equality more deeply.
5 Key Things to Know About the Current Situation Facing the Genders:
-The shadow masculine is a rogue energy and is harmful and painful. It’s insidious and systemic in nature. It’s a mindset of separation that destroys.
-The shadow masculine that projects itself, primarily through men has become an obvious crisis in our society and culture.
-The shadow masculine offers all of us an opportunity to be better human beings.
-This crisis offers us a great opportunity to evolve beyond the problems that we face both individually and collectively.
– Men are at an early stage in their process to own their shadow and take the journey to rediscover the wonderful things about being a man.
Women offer powerful insight and wisdom that men often fail to see and feel. For example, women are more inclined to listen from their heart. This does not make them out to be emotional basket cases as many men want to believe. It makes them more intelligent about being kind, compassionate and caring. When the heart is not accessible men have a tendency to act out of fear or get angry to defend and hide a deep pain.
9 Vitally Important Things Men can do Right Now:
-To” man up”be the better part of the masculine.
-To take radical responsibility with both words and actions.
-To be radically honest.
-To be radically transparent.
-To be radically respectful of women and all things feminine.
-To stop talking and start listening.
-To let women lead on this.
-To support the #MeToo movement.
-To Understand that men are not alone.
5 Important facts about the Masculine psyche: It is…
…in crisis.
…committing suicide, killing others and dying of overdose at record numbers.
…absent from many homes.
…acts out their unloved aspects of themselves.
…physically and emotionally abusing women and others because it’s unfulfilled and has lost its true identity.
We men should take heart as well; all challenges, all energies, can shift and evolve. As a man, I know that I am a work in progress, and women have been my greatest teachers and supporters. It’s has not been easy, but it has been rewarding- second only to the raising of my three amazing daughters.
Everything in the Universe is always seeking balance. This coming period will challenge us all to rebalance the masculine and feminine archetypes. This can be done however it will take each us to become mindful about how we relate with one another. Most important, it will call up men to get in touch with what it means to be a man. True balance will be restored both archetypes learn to express themselves with respect, kindness and compassion.
Together we can navigate the challenges ahead. Men need to boldly stand with the MeToo movement. As a man, I suggest that women lead with the wisdom, grace, and love of their true feminine nature. In this way, we men can learn to trust this evolution, and not project the shadow masculine in destructive ways.
To return to our divine peaceful loving nature we must listen deeply. The kind of listening comes from the heart and soul. It’s time to try something new and listen to the feminine on the inside and out. All voices must be heard. When we come together we can change the world by changing our minds about the world.
Each of us can make a difference. We have choice to shift our mindset from one of separation to one of wholeness. We can choose arrogance, ignorance, and intolerance or choose peace, love, and joy. The time is now.