My husband, kids, and I used to eat fast food all the time. Sometimes I’d have it for lunch and then again for dinner. But I noticed my weight was up to 218 pounds and that my 9-year-old daughter was gaining weight too. That type of eating was making all of us feel tired all the time. I just wanted to be a couch potato. I’d be on my phone and the kids would be on their tablets. I turn 40 next year, and decided it was time to make some changes. We stopped fast food entirely. I’m exercising more now too. The Thrive stories are motivating, and the app helps me stay on track to think about all the categories I can work on. My weight is now down to 198 pounds and I feel good, real good!
- Losing 20 pounds has given me so much more energy.
- Taking a tuna packet to work gives me a healthy food option.
- Working out with my daughter gives us active time and family time together.
- Each paycheck, I have money taken out for our Walmart stock plan.
I’m so much more active now. My cousin and I actually started competing to see who can get the most steps each day. I’ll do small things, like park farther away, go for a walk during my lunch break, or just walk up and down the stairs at home. My daughter and I workout together as well. She holds my feet for crunches, and then I hold hers. My husband has my back and I have his. He’s right there supporting me — my partner for life in everything. I’m lucky to have support both at home and at work. If you would have told me earlier this year that I’d give up fast food and make these changes, I would have said you were crazy. Anything is possible. You just have to set a goal, make a plan and believe in yourself.
Through the Thrive Challenge, our community is making better, healthier choices, seeing big results, and winning big.
Stories from past winners, such as Ebony Baret, prove that every individual has the power to transform their life every day through a combination of small, healthier choices and peer-to-peer inspiration.