Dear Ko,
You are a wonder. Think of how many people adore you. If only more knew the depth and breadth of you. Even strangers can see the kindness in your eyes, the goodness in your stride. You are so colorful and vibrant — with so many layers. You are so many things without even trying!: subtle, sexy, sensual, sensitive, smart. What a blessing. And when you DO try, watch out! What a creative thinker and passionate pursuer. And your heart has no boundaries. Your capacity to love is infinite. Look at you, with those full lips and delicate wrists. Listen to you, with that resonating voice and harmonic choice of words. Feel you, with your soft skin and big, bright hair. You’re unbelievably dynamic. There are things no one can take away. Your experience and your nature will take you even further than you imagined (which is pretty far). Thank yourself for being you, and embrace her with the great hug and smile and warmth.
Love & light, You. Only you.
Our words matter. Our selves matter. How we think and feel about ourselves matters. Every once in a while, I’ll write a letter to myself, usually on paper. It’s a form of documented self-love and self-compassion. When my apartment got destroyed from a fire, I bought myself a few cards at Trader Joe’s and filled one out to myself, addressing it to my temporary address. I wanted to remind myself in my greeting I sent through USPS. And besides, I love getting mail.
When you take the time and space to fill a blank page, you can paint yourself beautifully as you truly are and connect with your deepest sense of self. In this above practice, I was probably feeling low and just needed a boost or high and wanted to shower myself. Write yourself a complimentary letter. Besides postage, it’s free
Originally published at