I’m not one of these people for whom things are easy. I don’t get lucky and nothing in my life tends to fall into place easily. I work hard at everything I do. My life is more of an obstacle course than anything else.

I don’t know why. My guess would be a lifetime of nomad living doesn’t lend itself to predictable outcomes.

Trust me, I tried figuring this out. I’ve been soul searching, deep diving into past lives and karma, tried all the best life hacks, tools and habits to avoid complications. I learned how to listen to my inner guide and honor synergy. I was assured it would result in a smoother journey. Success would come to me.….

…AAAND ALL those efforts have so far only shown marginal improvements. Which is fine with me.

I developed some skills in the process.

I got really good at pivoting my ideas, faster at adjusting my strategy, stronger at climbing over hurdles, and more gracious when dusting myself off after I stumble and fall.

Am I the only one who fails to manifest their smooth journey and has to constantly climb over massive hurdles? I don’t think so. I think a lot of you experience this as well.

I wonder…

  • Do we hide our struggles out of shame?
  • Is it socially unacceptable and spiritually uncool to have a shit day?
  • Doesn’t it alienate us or worse; do we end up not going after our dreams fearing the risks involved and possible exposure as a failure?
  • Are we trading our dreams for a world of unfulfilled desires?
  • Do we choose safety because we are afraid to get lost?

I don’t know about you, but I can tell you about me.

I always go for the challenges. I love adventures of the heart and sometimes walk way too far outside my comfort zone. I’ve developed a habit of constantly leaving behind familiarity and comfort. AND THAT CAN BE HARD!!!

I think too much and I feel too much. Sometimes, that drives me crazy. I try and make an effort to maintain daily habits to keep me present and grounded. Because without them I run the risk of constantly trying to escape my thoughts and feelings.

My daily practices consist of gratitude, curating positive mental attitude, meditation, and yoga + introspection — I find it makes a huge difference. My practices can vary, mostly due to change in geography and community around me.

This works most day… However, there is no such thing as perfection. I still lose my balance, my temper and myself more often than I care to mention. I still can find myself completely lost. Lost in my thoughts, lost somewhere in the world, and lost in my emotional landscape.

And guess what? I don’t think there is anything wrong with it:

It’s ok to feel out of control.

It ok to feel disoriented.

It’s to feel disillusioned.

It’s ok to not be happy for a day.

It’s ok to be frustrated.

It’s ok to lose your shit from time to time.

….it can all be a catalyst for something new!

Not a big deal. Things change. I change. My needs and desires change. If I’ve learned anything this past few weeks it’s these 4 things:

1) Embrace the unknown

The more I learn, the more I realize how little I know and how much more there is out there. The sooner we let go of dated beliefs, habits, and patterns, the easier it is to navigate the unknown. Remember that yesterday’s medicine might be today’s poison. If growth is the name of the game, then I must consistently put myself in a mindset where I learn from every situation. A change of perception is necessary in most cases of disarray. There is always something new to learn, always another road to take, and always a new perspective to gain And no — this doesn’t have to be a fun and easy process. It’s ok to be messy.

2) Get clear with you Tribe:

It’s easy to thrive in a community of like-minded people. It’s hard to communicate needs in a place where your values aren’t met. Learn how to communicate clearly rather than acting out our needs. Transparency and communication are the foundation for personal growth. Find a place where that is reciprocated. Good communication requires us to have the courage to stand emotionally naked in front of people, make sure it’s a safe space. Staying vulnerable is what sets us free from shame and allows us to wholeheartedly start over. Stop pretending you are fine. Say what’s going on and call it what it is. We are never alone in this. There is strength in numbers.

3) Let it fall apart

Sometimes we need to let everything fall apart. Let go of your beliefs, your habits, and your patterns. Let life change you. Allow your ideas of yourself shatter into a million different pieces…

…and then pick up only what you still truly want to keep.

Try it.

Nothing is a dead end road. Obstacles are opportunities to reroute. Failures are building blocks and success is a stepping-stone to the next level of self discovery. We are never stuck. We only get stuck on how we see it. Don’t resist challenges. Lean in and let go or be dragged!

4) Surrender to the moment:

What is surrender anyway?

A state in which we stay open to change, not assuming we have the answers and allowing life to unfold. It’s a space (mental, emotional, and physical) in which we take a step back to evaluate our choices.

How do we get there?

Go inwards first and let the outside dismantle itself. Sometime when we do nothing synergy will return and offer up opportunities that have more of an ease and flow to it.

Is the alternative route always what we want?

Not at all. However, following the path of least resistance and with it embracing light and love is always the better choice. And in my experience has always brought me gifts beyond my imagination.

So get lost, fall apart, say yes to life, and live beyond your wildest dreams!

Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.

Life is a beauty, admire it.

Life is a dream, realize it.

Life is a challenge, meet it.

Life is a duty, complete it.

Life is a game, play it.

Life is a promise, fulfill it.

Life is sorrow, overcome it.

Life is a song, sing it.

Life is a struggle, accept it.

Life is a tragedy, confront it.

Life is an adventure, dare it.

Life is luck, make it.

Life is life, fight for it!


Like my content? Head on over to www.silviachristmann.com and comment below! Can’t wait to hear what you think!

Originally published at medium.com