Everywhere we turn there is a great idea that someone is speaking of and business concept that has been attempted out of skepticism. There are individuals wanting more for themselves in life but not believing that they can or should have the success that they only speak of, as if it is a dream. You write about it, speak of it and even periodically show people your passion but never make a decision to execute on the idea that you have been allowing to simmer. The word NOW is one of the most feared words for entrepreneurs or business owners looking to take their growth to the next level. So let’s talk about it.Taking action . . . NOW. You can’t be afraid to take action with your hopes and dreams. As an entrepreneur or executive in the position to grow your business or position it, it is important to understand why some opportunities need to be taken the moment that you receive them. Procrastination is one of the easiest habits to create and one of the hardest to break. Knowing that you want more, need to do more and can have more should be a major push in itself to just take the actions needed to get things done. Will you do it NOW? You must be willing to give the time and energy toward the end goal. More importantly, you must be willing to put the work in, NOW.Why is the decision of NOW so important with evolving on your journey to freedom of life and building generational wealth? The reason you must be confident in your pursuance of success is so that you are able to make secure decisions when they require you to do such. The ability to efficiently and effectively grow a business is solely based off of your will to continue to push your product, service or mission. From deciding whether its appropriate to take action to announce your business venture to putting the idea or concept of product out in front for the public to see. It’s very key to keep in mind that execution is one of the most important steps in the process. Many of us have been in the position or are currently in the position of saying and suggesting everything that we believe would be great or conceptualizing this awesome concept, but we don’t execute that vision and dream. We procrastinate to the point of demise. Meaning that, we refuse to execute on our belief and want of freedom that the idea dies because we lose all passion for it or time “calls us on to the next room”. So we have to be persistent in our efforts to succeed.Procrastination vs Mindfulness.Procrastination stops us from being able to tap into our action of NOW. There are ways that we can change the habit of procrastination and it can simply begin with understanding and practicing mindfulness routines. Some may ask, what exactly is a mindfulness routine? Taking an account of your moment-to-moment thoughts, actions, feelings, bodily sensations and surrounding environment through a gentle, nurturing lens is usually a way to define mindfulness. By practicing steps of mindfulness you can minimize your level of procrastination. There are a ton of things that happen in life that will create deterrents that can become very discouraging in our pursuit of success. It’s very difficult to pursue the passion at times when you have moments of discouragement telling you that you can’t. Ask yourself, am I in touch with my breathing? Do I have the clarity of mind to eat healthy? Have I asked for help or am I attempting to do it all on my own? If you can’t say yes to any of those questions, then you should definitely read on and practice the suggested steps below and continue researching to learn additional ones.Here’s a few pointers on ways to be more mindful throughout your day.Bring attention to your breath.Allow your breath to take place. Become aware of it and enjoy it.Be mindful of your eating.Eat foods that are nutritionally healthy.Don’t try to do it all on your own.Reach out to those around you and don’t be afraid to ask for help.Be kind to your wandering mind.Don’t judge yourself or obsess over the content of the thoughts you find yourself lost in. Just come back.Let go of the need to control your emotions.Be open to the outcome of your emotions and what unfolds.These few pointers can help you begin your journey to practice mindfulness and minimize the levels of procrastination that you may find yourself experiencing. As you begin to create a moment of mindfulness practice you’ll find that it turns into habit with consistent practice and continued clarity. Keep yourself aware and you’ll keep yourself mindful.