If our spiritual quest recognizes that we are already whole and complete, good enough, and have all the love we need inside of us already, then you might question the necessity of goals. The fact is that we humans are innately goal directed from the time that we arise, otherwise we might choose to sleep all day, and clearly most of us do not choose to do that on a regular basis if at all. Aside from that, our happiness is bound to contributing something and being of service during our sojourn on Planet Earth. Indeed, research has confirmed that our main opportunity to control our happiness lies in our life choices and activities. And this is pretty much self-evident.
Some related thoughts:
- You were created by your Creator for a purpose
- Your life energy or creative life force needs expression
- Consider that there is a feedback loop from your Creator to you (the created), to the world and back to the Creator
- Well as you’re here anyway, you might as well do something worthwhile with your God-given talents! And, especially if this supports your wellbeing and fullness of life and helps others
Other than a roof over your head, food and drink, and some clothing suited to your environment there isn’t much else you really need is there? It’s only your conditioned psychological needs that have the potential to drive you nuts until such time that you realize that you need to get out of your own way and go with the flow. Yet as Eckhart Tolle advises, (as the consciousness of forever-Being), we can enjoy playing with form – not because we need to, but because we enjoy it. And, in doing so, we engage our God-given senses, that we received to enjoy things in moderation, and not just for survival. The qualification of “in moderation” is important. As you may have recognized from personal experience, the “law of diminishing returns” sets in whenever we over-indulge our senses be it sleeping, staying awake, eating, sex, listening to music, watching TV, etc.
In the context of goals and needs, spiritual masters offer various suggestions:
- Non-attachment to results (Buddha)
- Resolve inner purpose then enjoy playing with form (Tolle)
- I don’t mind what happens (Khrishnamurti)
- Loving what-is (Byron Katie)
- Living in gratitude (all spiritual masters)
Tomorrow… Part 4: Faith and Belief
Reference: Peak Performance!! Merging Spirituality & Success Principles available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble