A new year, a new you? Scrap that. It’s not a new you. It’s still you, but maybe you want to present the best you or to improve you in some way? Nothing wrong with that, if that’s what you want.
But, we don’t want to forget you, because that would mean leaving behind everything that has made you what you are.
We’re not shedding our reptilian skins and having our memories erased; we’re building our insight, knowledge and skills to propel us on our path; wherever we decide that’s leading us.
Setting goals and not resolutions is where I’m at. I don’t want to buy into commercial direction that aims to lure me into the latest fad. I want to build my year and beyond as I see and define it.
That’s why I’m going for goals and not ready resolutions that are far too easy to casually throw away like fast fashion.
Here are #10GoGettingTopTips on how you can set to get what you want…
#1 Turn on the kettle and let the brewing commence: Set goals you can get to…
We’re not talking about brewing for your daily caffeine intake, but your thoughts and ideas. You want to think about setting goals and decide how you will reach them. What will that look like in real life? What steps do you need to take in order to get there?
Start by jotting down and brainstorming. Use processes like mind mapping and spider diagrams, which are a great way to see and create flow to your ideas. You don’t have to select everything on your list. And you don’t even have to do all of those things right now. That’s the point of planning. But it’s a good way to get the juices flowing with ideas.
Not every thought is going to be your golden goal. But noting down everything you might like to achieve will allow you to offer clarity of mind and focus to where you’d truly like to head.
#2 Think sums. If it doesn’t add up, it won’t happen: Accountability…
Hold yourself accountable and set a timetable. Split your aims into digestible sections such as; days, months and quarters, to be achieved over the course of the year.
But, keep yourself accountable. Find a friend, fill them in on your plight. Involve your work team and share your updates with them. You’ll find they’ll be right behind you, cheering you on.
Whoever you choose as your accountability partner, you want to find someone that can be your verbal conscience to keep you heading in the right direction.
#3 Don’t be fake. Set it to be real: Visualisation…
It’s a powerful thing to visualise. If you can see it, you can be it. If you can visualise it, you can reach it. So, I actively urge you to have a vision board.
You can create an actual board with pictures and words that associate and align with your goals. Or you can design one by using online tools that you’ll likely already have sitting on your phones or laptops.

#4 Find your groove: Make it real with a tick list…
Not everyone’s cup of tea, but I’m a huge fan. You can create actual lists on bright post-its or lined paper, use highlighters, different coloured pens etc, or you can use note taking apps and the notes section on your phone.
However you decide to play it, do it so you can place an actual tick beside your completed daily challenge, to-do item or obstacle. That way you can feel the satisfaction once it’s done. It’s seems minor, but trust me –– try it and you’ll realise, it isn’t.
#5 It’s good to be regular: Check back-in
Goals are one thing but achieving them is another. Set aside time to see where you’re at and if you’ve deviated off course how you can weave back to where you want to be.
If you’ve set accountability in place with a colleague, team member or even a friend; get them to check in with you too.
You’re not reliant on others to help you achieve, but a gentle nudge and a friendly face in your corner is a great boost.
#6 Stuff happens: Adjust where you need to
Life happens and sometimes our course is unintentionally altered. It’s unrealistic to assume the seas will be plain sailing and so try to filter in additional time to give you the opportunity to adjust if you need to.
Having to be flexible in times where life throws you a curveball doesn’t mean giving up on your goals, but it does mean you may need to plan around it.
Factoring this in from the off doesn’t impact you for the negative. What it does is to offer you a plan and a route should something unplanned happen.

#7 You don’t have to be a magician and keep the plates spinning: But you do want to keep spinning your motivation…
Staying motivated and staying on course can seem like you’re spinning the magician’s plates constantly. But it doesn’t have to be the case.
What keeps you motivated? What’s your magic sauce? Whatever, you need to keep you on course, do it. If it’s a break to catch up on your favourite Netflix box-set, then do it. If it’s a run to your favourite beauty spot, then do it. If it’s curling up with your book of the moment, then do it.
Motivation can be therapeutic and even energy gaining by doing things such as; talking it out with your partner, your best friend or the family pet. We all need a little motivation and if it’s keeping you on target, then don’t feel bad for doing whatever it is that works for you.
#8 It really is cool to communicate: Stay in-touch with your goals…
If it’s just you, set diary dates and use your accountability partner to check back in. If you’re a part of a team working towards goals, then set regular points to check in and see if you’re meeting the check points that you’ve set.
Use a diary, and even your phone diary to sync it to your laptop, your computer and even your tablet; so that you can see your goals and when you want to achieve them by.
Set reminders so they pop up and you can’t ignore them. Leave notes and even positive affirmations for yourself.
The journey is much easier if you challenge yourself but at the same time are kind to yourself too.
#9 There’s no one size fits all approach: Set small steps and mini milestones, as well a lightning leaps…
Set a collection of goals that are workable, doable and that are a mixture of those small steps and those lightning leaps. Not every goal has to be big or even business related. It can feel vulnerable to put yourself out there when there is that feeling that you might fail. But if you don’t try and you don’t plan towards it, you’ll never know.
Don’t let your good ideas be only that. Bring them to life by making them happen. You’re are the captain of your own ship. The destination course is yours.
#10 Find your get up and go. There’s no time like the present is there? Ready steady and set your goals…
There’s no time like the present. Get setting. You’ll likely already have ideas on where you want to be this year. Maybe even some that have been on the back-burner. Why wait? Put together your actionable goals that you know you want and can do this year.
Take that leap today and create positive habits that form a part of your year’s goals. Most importantly don’t forget to celebrate them once you’ve reached them. I know I’m much better with a purpose attached to what I’m doing and so goals really work for me.
It’s not always easy to be motivated and we don’t always feel like it. But your mindset, your resilience and your determination are huge driving forces, that are within your control.
So, what are you doing to shape your time today?