If you happened to catch the first edition of Go with the Flo, you’ll recall mom and I take an international trip each year. 2020 won’t be a year to put a pin in a new country on our wall map, but 2020 will be a year of travel firsts:
- First time traveling cross-country by car
- First time traveling cross-country by car…with Flo
- First time traveling cross-country by car…with Flo…and her puppy
- First time traveling cross-country by car…with Flo…and her puppy…during a pandemic
We hadn’t seen my brother in almost ten months, so Flo and I packed up the hand sanitizer and masks to drive West. We picnicked out of the back of the car. We googled and discussed the merits of sorghum across Kansas. We smiled at the sunset over windmill farms. We used adult diapers as back-up for disappointing restrooms. We stopped, and stopped and stopped when the puppy yelped to pee.
We played a game where you draw a card and answer the question written there. “What are you most proud of in your life?” “If you went back to school what would you study?” My question was, “If you could travel any place in the world right now, where would you go?” Exactly where we were headed.
I see us all doing a bit of self-reflecting in 2020, gaining a sixth sense for what we really need. My sixth sense was telling me to drive 1600 miles to visit my 6’2” little brother for 6 days. It was exactly what I needed.
Listen to your sixth sense. What do you intuitively need right now?