The VUCA concept – an acronym that stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity has been adopted throughout businesses and organisations in many industries and sectors to guide leadership and strategy planning.
Characterizing the nature of some difficult conditions and situations, the model is an integral part of the strategyscape of almost every organisation. The jargon echoes in the corporate corridors, with senior management of companies constantly hurling the VUCA strategies at teams with the aim of aiding crisis management and disaster recovery planning.
Yet disaster and crisis thrive. Yet the work cultures reek of verbal assaults, political manoeuvring, scheming, vendetta, sycophancy , cynicism and transactional behaviour patterns even amongst the people. Of course, all the while acting as subtext!
Are we missing a key ingredient here? A key combat strategy that can perhaps yield better results than verbose meetings with senior managers entrapped in scoring over each other- rather than fighting the uncertainties and complex times?
What if the strategy were encapsulated in a three letter word: GOD. And by God, I mean the energy and consciousness of being, the harmony and alignment, the mutual regard and empathy that allow the great drama of the Universe to unfold flawlessly- within boardrooms or streets or homes.
Consider the GOD model: Grace, oneness and divinity. Imagine this permeating all processes at work- setting KRAs, reviews, appraisals, targets. Imagine the quality that would emerge if one could just use ‘grace’ as a code of conduct or a simple ‘let go’ methodology when there is a clash of ideas. Ever been part of a boardroom discussion which plays out like an energy control drama highlighting the collective insecurity of humans who have actually come together to work for a common goal. But very often even the goal lacks unity of purpose. An organisation with individuals pursuing differing goals is at war with its own self and will soon fragment into pieces. Lastly seeing the ‘divine’ within every one irrespective of titles and designations is the sure path to attract prosperity.
After all, brilliance and greatness often transcend hierarchy of any kind according to the GOD model. Worth a try, especially in a VUCA world.