After retiring from a lengthy career, some retirees decide to return to the working world. Whether you rejoin the industry shortly after retiring or wait a few years, working after retirement comes with some challenges. Here are six things you’ll need to know if you want to grind the ax in your golden years.
Consider the expenses
Depending on where you choose to work, your work-related expenses could increase. Consider that you might have a commute that increases your transportation costs or a dress code that increases your clothing budget. Eating lunch away from home can also cost more than you remember. Consider carefully whether the fresh income will be worth the necessary expenses.
Working in retirement can impact Social Security benefits
If you retire, you enjoy Social Security benefits, even if you continue working. Before you return to work, take time to read about how your Social Security benefits could change based on your age and your net earnings.
Your Medicare benefits could also change, especially if your new employer gives you access to a group health plan. Rather than guessing at how your benefits could change, read the rules closely and ask to contact a representative if you have concerns.
Retirees appreciate the opportunities to socialize
After working for thirty years, retirees often notice how much their social lives change after hanging up the spurs. Leaving the workplace means leaving the people you’ve spent so much time around, but it also means you have more free time than ever before. After retiring, making new friends can be challenging, which is why so many retirees find new workplaces even if they make significantly less money.
Giving back to society
Retirees who want to return to the work world can be picky about where they choose to sell their time. Rather than being overly concerned about the size of your new paycheck, you can look for work that you enjoy. Some retirees appreciate giving back to society by finding jobs that help the community and provide a healthy work-life balance.
Pay attention to the rules of your pension
Many seniors enjoy the benefits of a regular pension, but some pensions come with strict rules regarding working while retired. Before you begin looking for work, read the small print about your pension account. You might have to limit the amount of money you earn at your new job, or you might not be able to work in the same industry that pays your pension.
On the bright side, working during your retirement often means your pension will continue to accrue interest, making for a bigger payout when you truly quit the labor force.
Consider working from home
Retirees appreciate having flexible schedules, but some want to spend that time working. When shopping for a new job, consider working from home in an industry where you can set your schedule. Retirees who work from home do not have to worry about expensive commutes, expensive workwear, or paying for lunch on the road.
Wrap up
Rejoining the workforce isn’t for every retiree. Those who do want to return to work can take time to find a job they enjoy that offers flexibility and socialization. Retirees who prefer their newfound leisure might find joy in volunteering, traveling, or learning new skills or hobbies. Whatever you choose, your golden years are sure to be full of golden opportunities to enrich yourself.