“Make the grandmothers look like us,” was the request of Latinas during the very beginning of my research. I knew the representation was important, and trusted their leadership on the issue, but I had no real understanding of the impact until the grandmothers made their debut.
The grandmothers’ embodiment of the Latina’s culture, story, and voice was more than symbolic, it was significant. In one instance, a woman simply held on to a grandmother’s hand, as if connecting to some past experience. This touchstone moment was recognized by a girl who had been excitedly playing; when she saw the look on the woman’s face, she slowed and smiled in quiet reverence. I felt like I was witnessing the long view of time.
This private moment in a public space, was the interplay of three different life stages. The hope of adolescence, the resolve of adulthood, and the wisdom of the elder, were all present in the familiarity of the touch of a hand. The sense of belonging was palpable. The force of love and compassion was rooted in a heritage of caring.
#FamiliesBelongTogether #LoveThyNeighbor (NoExceptions) #Peace #StandWithImmigrants #LovingKindness #LoveKnowsNoBorders #Nonviolence #Peacebuilding #AJustWorld4All #GrandmotherHealingDolls #PeaceLoveUnderstanding
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What does “heritage” mean?
Please tell about a time when you were with three generations.
What gives you a sense of belonging?