When we are grateful for our past and present experiences, we transcend judgments of what we consider to be right or wrong.

We go from being victims to being aware of our power of choice. We can choose to be grateful in appliance repair job and for the opportunities that life offers us to learn and advance or we can simply complain about what we must live.

When we appreciate what happens to us, we are saying: YES to life, YES, I am willing to learn the lessons that I need to learn, whether they are relationships, work, health, economics or professional.

However, being grateful for what may seem like a disaster is much more difficult than being grateful when everything is going smoothly.

Being grateful does not imply denying pain, but when we transcend pain, anger, etc. Thanking in the midst of the situation that we have had to live, we open ourselves to the infinite possibilities that life offers us to move towards more happiness and more fullness.

Many people have declared that after suffering disappointments, losses, illnesses, even tremendously traumatic experiences, they have felt grateful for the experiences they have been given.

The loss of a loved one offered them the opportunity to appreciate the people who were still by their side, to be grateful for the moments they lived with the person who passed away, and to be more loving and tolerant of others.

Economic difficulties offered them the opportunity to appreciate what they already had and to use their recumbent personal resources, to create more prosperity and abundance in their life.

The separation from their partner gave them the possibility of being financially independent and improving their self-esteem, offering them in turn a new, deeper, and more sincere relationship. An illness helped them to heal their relationship with the past, to forgive, freeing them from the enormous weight of resentment.

The move to another city helped them expand their horizons, meet other people, and overcome limitations that they might not have achieved by staying in their city.

A work problem pushed them to go out and look for another more satisfactory job creatively and economically.

Thanking God during everything we are experiencing in the present, even if we do not momentarily see the reason for a painful situation, gives us the power and energy necessary to make positive changes. It offers us the opportunity to grow and advance in all aspects of our life.

If we remain in victimhood, complaining about our bad luck, we lose the opportunity to bring our full potential to light … our creativity, our talents, our internal resources, our Being. When something happens to us that we do not understand, we can ask ourselves:

1.- what can I / what do I need to learn from this situation?

2.- How can I improve my life and that of those around me?

3.- What lessons does this event hide?

We can always choose.

The moment of power is always in the present and it is only by transcending the seemingly painful and difficult that we can change the future.

It is in the present that we create our future. Take your present and act in a positive way to make your future brighter.
