For years, I have been practicing gratitude in many little ways throughout the day. I feel like my years of practice have finally paid off, and it’s game time.
There has never been a more important time to find gratitude in our lives. We are in the middle of a global pandemic that has yet to peak in North America. It was a bit like a slow-moving tsunami — we could see it coming and never expected how quickly or how hard it would hit our shores. Now is the time for us to share our gratitude as much as possible, and as openly as possible. There will be thousands who will share the news and the updates, I invite you to share your gratitude instead.
Here are some of my favorite ways to practice gratitude:
- Saying thank you. At this time, when everyone is encouraged to stay home, there are thousands of people who are working in essential services to keep us fed, our homes warm, and our hospitals staffed. Next time a delivery driver drops off a package, open your window and shout a thank you as they leave. Or if you are able to shop at your local grocery store, thank the employees for being at work, so that we can stay home. During a recent stress-filled trip to Costco, I felt my eyes watering every time I saw someone wearing a Costco name tag. Thank you didn’t seem like enough.
- Sharing our gratitude. Our news feeds on social media are filled with updates and media about the virus. It’s amazing to see how many people are posting asking people to share what they are grateful for today! Start a daily gratitude post by sharing three things you are grateful for each day. My friend Micki has done this for over 1,000 days straight. I share my gratitude on social media through my photos. For over a year, I have been waking up to see the sunrise over the ocean. I am blessed to live on Vancouver Island, in Canada, and to be within 15 minutes of several beaches. This time alone at the beach has been my saving grace. I know that my days on the beach are numbered, and I stand in gratitude every time I set foot on the sand.
- Choosing to Wake Up With Gratitude every single day. Most of us will survive this. We will grieve for those who are lost. And when we emerge from our homes, the world will be a different place. We can choose to be a beacon for gratitude in these most difficult times ahead. There is always something to be grateful for. Ever since I survived a life-threatening bacterial infection following a miscarriage, I have truly understood what it means to wake up with gratitude.
The first words I say when I wake up in the morning are:
Thank you for this gift of another day, and the opportunity to be of service to others and to make a difference in this world.
Julie Boyer, Wake Up With Gratitude
Gratitude and fear cannot co-exist. It’s time to choose to practice gratitude when we are fearful.
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