Here I am, finally, writing about me and sharing my experiences to this new community.
I’ve always anticipated so much on writing that ONE share of mine and it has taken quite a long journey to get here. I did write once in the LinkedIn publishing area, but made me uncomfortable how there are many current and ex-colleagues who are linked with my profile and was not quite ready to accept that look on a Monday morning yet. So I deleted it after 5 minutes later. Oh dear me.
I read articles a lot, over books, prefer non-fictional stories over fiction. I know it’s such a boring life I have but that’s what I love to read and that is really, me. Thrive Global was one of my top reads each week and came across this section where community users are able to contribute their stories publicly here.
So without hesitation, I looked up on how to sign up and here I am publishing a story of me. This will really tick off that one very own ‘to-do’ list, which has been stuck in the corner of me for the last couple of years. Yes, years.
I will publish that ONE share of mine soon (and of course more), but I wanted to get going with this initial background of me to remind myself what a GREAT start I have made. It will become a foundation of me, and will be looked at when I procrastinate again, to bring that confidence back.
So to all people out there, make yourself a GREAT start too on whatever you have been leaving behind in your corner of your mind, today. Because surely when I click ‘publish’ in couple of minutes, I have made myself a greater person today, and so can you.