“Let me just find my feet”
She said
Befuddled by the flights of life
But surely
Her feet are on her body?
How can they be so hard to find
Sometimes we live life
In the sky, or
In our heads, in work, in planes
But imagine,
Have you ever felt
I mean, truly felt
The ground beneath your feet?
There’s a moment in time
When the floor
Almost pushes you up
*Is it resistance?
Or is it allowing?
Maybe it’s both
It’s like an Asana (Yoga Posture)
In the beginning its feels tight and tough
But when you relax, it feels beautiful
Magic happens with these two forces working together
Push and pull
Resistance and allowing
Holding you in great stead
Keeping you there
Just like life
As you resist it, it becomes painful
And as you allow it, it flows through you
So being grounded in life
Is key
And enables you to relax
Imagine if I have
Already found my feet
Then I can stand tall
Knowing the ground is just there
Makes it so much easier
To fall
And when you fall
You know that you can just get back up
Because you are already grounded