Hello! Thanks for joining me in Growing in Place, my VLOG for the times we are sheltering in place. I created this because I wanted to work with what we are given, and here we are, at home, or close to it, and finding ways to make our days meaningful.

Today’s sharing is from my book, Drinking from the River of Light: The Life of Expression. The selection is “The Unexpected Utterance.” I hope you enjoy the video and are finding new ways to express your creativity. Whether you consider yourself an artist or not, we can all explore how the deeper we go into the creative process, the more attuned we become, and the more we join with everything around us. Whether your writing is published or not, whether your music is recorded or not, whether your art is in a gallery or not, your garden is given a prize or not, or your cooking is or isn’t featured in the local paper—inhabiting a personal life of expression is its own reward, by which we strengthen our connections and find our way.

An Invitation to Speak Deeply

  • In your journal, describe a recent moment when, through the depth of your own feelings, you experienced the feelings of others. Describe how you think this deepening of feeling works.
  • In conversation with a friend or loved one, describe a time when you unexpectedly spoke from a deeper place. How did this come about and what came through you?
  • Wait a week and, in conversation with a friend or loved one, take the chance to speak deeply about whatever is rising in you or concerning you in that moment.
