It’s a hot topic that not many people are familiar with, but it’s an important topic in business.

What is a growth mindset?

To have a growth mindset, it’s believing without a doubt that you can achieve anything.  It’s not just about thinking, you need to go out there and achieve those things.

The keyword is “achieve”.

What is the misconception?

Many people think that if they only try to achieve then that is good enough. Trying does not equate a growth mindset. Just trying does not lead to success.

How does just trying, harm your business?

By trying you are making an effort but just trying is not going to bring you those $$$ and it’s not going to get you any clients. For example: If you have set up your business, launched it and now you are marketing your business but not gaining any traction, and someone says to you “it’s ok, you are trying” you might be inclined to get comfortable believing that as long as you are trying, then it’s ok.  This is deadly for your business.

The fix

  • Push yourself out of your comfort zone.
  • Invest in a course to help you shift your mindset.
  • Get a business bestie to help you stay motivated & on track with your goals.
  • Don’t take no for an answer. Break down the walls, change perceptions.
  • Don’t give up & stay consistent with your brand and your marketing.