Events like waking up at a particular time or a profound strategy which pops up while an individual is not even thinking of it, might feel mysterious to some people but not to those who appreciate the guidance of spiritual energy. These are frequent phenomenons to those who believe and opened up themself to the universal force. As an entrepreneur people are desperately looking for policies and strategies that assist their business to thrive. Doing professional researches does help on a fact based understanding. But some people describe feelings like something is blocking them on higher spiritual level. There are explanations like a greater force that tries to pull them in another direction.
As a young entrepreneur, it’s comparatively troublesome to acknowledge and incorporate the spiritual force because it is usually not a very accepted attitude. Numerous people frequently ignore the spiritual part for creating a successful work-life. But believing that humans are a part of the cosmos and it’s self-conscious, is benefiting those who believe and practice it through their career and personal life.
Meet Hannah Joy, spirit conduit and intuitive healing coach. With her years of experience and discipline, she is able to tap into soul level information to heal an individual.
In this interview, Hannah talks candidly about the techniques anyone can activate their spiritual energy. She believes all individuals have a spiritual guide and an experienced mentor can assist to detect the path of energy flow. That will lead to the speedy manifestation of the things we desire.
Hello Hannah, we’re thrilled to have you on our media. Please guide us through your spiritual journey?
Since my childhood, I felt the connection with my spiritual guide. I acknowledged it was around me and was close whenever I needed it. As I grew up, sharing the story with my friends was pretty scary because often they assumed I was intoxicated.
I did have trouble making friends who share the same experiences. I even spent quite a long period being alone. I believed that appreciating the guidance of spiritual energy will present me with the love, money, and family I deserve. But due to unfortunate episodes, I had to choose over normal life and block the flow of spirituality.
I felt like this part of my journey, I was living someone else’s life. I had a bad relationship and circumstances were not aligned. I became strong and determined to get back to my spiritual quest after my Kundalini awakening. As soon as I accepted the flow of energy in me, things began to get very good and balanced.
I realized that other individuals might be going through a similar phase. With my coaching, I dedicate and devote my time to support entrepreneurs to heal and unlock their spiritual potential through intuitive healing. My program provides a safe space to talk about spiritual experiences.
How to know and connect with the spiritual guide ?
It’s easier to connect with your spiritual guide then you think because it’s been there with you since the day we were born. The energy may be our ancestor or one of those who died from the family. Some people feel that their parents are looking after them and providing precautions for their life.
We often neglect the spiritual part in our life that is why we don’t experience and feel those things. But the day somebody closes their eyes with the pure heart & requests for guidance, they will commence experiencing the feeling.
Some people experience tingling sensation in the hands and other parts of the body while they meditate. This means the energy from another dimension is connecting which influences our body to sense vibrations.
Light a candle, burn incense and request the guide to look after you and your business. This is one of the straightforward procedures to activate your spiritual connection.
In Yogic traditions and Hinduism, they honor the ancestor with celebrations. That maximizes the relationship of a living body with the non-physical energies, which sometimes results in the spirit to communicate through a human body.
How can individuals manifest successful business through the support of spirituality?
Know what you want; is it a certain amount of money, numbers of sales, office space with staff, news about your company in authority media, and others. You should know precisely what you really want!
The steps I am going to describe, you can use not only for creating a thriving business but also for manifesting holidays, happy families, good health, and more.
- Find a peaceful place and sit comfortably
- Ask your spiritual guide to look over and supervise toward the journey of manifestation
- Close your eyes and concentrate on you breathing
- After a couple of mins, try to sense a feeling of having a third eye
- When you start experiencing a sensation in your forehead ( in the third eye area), try to visualize its opening
- The opening serves as a portal to another dimension, where we can bring imagination to reality.
- As you pass through the “gate”, focus on the exact circumstances you desired to manifest
- Continue this process for someday, your brain starts to feel it’s a real situation and the unconscious mind will bring it to reality.
It might take you awhile to train and concentrate yourself. Be patient and try it over and over again. You will master it!
It was amazing to learn some of the spiritual entrepreneur tips from Hannah. We hope reading her answers has helped you to take action and start channeling your spiritual energy. To get additional tips or to learn about personal spiritual strategies that will help you to create a thriving business, reach out to her via her official website :