Happy Healthy Days!
Now that the holidays have come and gone, many of us plunge into the new year with new perspectives and attitudes about feeling healthier and happier.
This annual routine usually includes setting goals about improving our diet, exercise, or reducing stress. We move from the holidays into the healthy days.
That is, at least until January 19—affectionately known as Quitters Day.
Have you made any new year’s resolutions? If so, at least you still have a few days left…
Several years ago, I gave up resolutions in favor of setting intentions. This shift in focus has helped me stay general in feeling, but bigger in impact.
Since the new year is always a fantastic opportunity to reconnect with ourselves, here are some quick tips to align with our minds, bodies, and souls.
For the Mind: We can counterbalance stress and avoid burnout by creating deliberate moments of quiet and solitude throughout our day. Finding peaceful moments to breathe and calm ourselves can make a significant difference in a busy world filled with distractions.
For the Body: A key to physical well-being is to simplify in three areas: eating, drinking, and moving. Eat clean foods; Drink more water; and Move your body. Even going for a refreshing walk during lunch or after dinner can help revitalize the body and keep your metabolism better-balanced.
For the Soul: Look to inspiration from the sources and people around you that resonate with your heart. Attending worship services or scheduling time for spiritual refreshment through meditation, prayer, and silent reflection can bring tremendous benefits to our happiness and sense of well-being. Even lunch or coffee with a friend can lift your spirits.
Especially now that we’ve moved into the 2020s, we can use the metaphor of 20/20 vision to set clear direction, healthy intentions, and a path towards greater happiness and well-being in the year ahead.
Then, indeed, we will create the start to a Happy New Year.
Michael Thomas Sunnarborg is a career coach, best-selling author, and founder of The White Box Club™—live coaching and resources for people in career transition. Find his syndicated blogs on Thrive Global, Medium, and The Huffington Post. Learn more at connect.michaelcreative.com
Looking for clarity? Download the Personal Priority Grid™ clarity tool. After you’ve completed your grid, schedule a FREE 30-minute call with Michael. It’s your time to shine!
Image: Pixabay